“Battleground States Won” – Bloomberg Predicts Donald Trump Has Already Won The 2024 Election

Patrick Bet-David is joined by Adam Sosnick, Tom Ellsworth, and Vincent Oshana as they react to a Bloomberg poll that shows that Donald Trump is beating Joe Biden in several key battleground states.

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Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

Donald Trump has clinched the Republican Presidential nomination cap office Stunning political comeback fueled by Grievance and Vengeance and formally Entering what's poised to be the longest And costliest general election in recent Memory the former president on Tuesday Night crossed the threshold for the Number of delegates needed to become the GOP nominee the AP reported that allows Trump a free reign to consolidate the Republican party's political operation And fully turned his attention towards a Rematch with Biden if elected Trump has Vowed to root out the so-called deep State of civil servants Crackdown on Illegal immigration enact protectionist Trade policies and curtail the US's role In the world Tom how big of a deal is This and what were some of the Battlegrounds numbers you were looking At that uh the audience should be aware Of well we didn't go to CNN we didn't go To Fox we didn't go to any of a number Of things we went to Bloomberg that ran A very academic uh set of polls and Rob If you could pull these up look at these Battleground polls right now by the way The they did a synopsis of sentiment and A synopsis of sentiment is you ask the The voter the general sentiment and here Is their response their response is that Basically they hear from Biden Trump bad Trump evil so that's what they're

Hearing and what they hearing from Trump Immigration a problem economy a problem Those were the top two we know Immigration is number one we've heard These polls before right Adam that the Immigration's number one so so that's What we're hearing and so voters are Hearing issues from Trump those two and They're hearing basically just Trump's a Bad guy from Biden isn't that Interesting so what do they think about It in the polls the Bloomberg polls Please rob check this out let's go Battleground States Arizona Trump at 49% Plus 6 to 43 Battleground state Georgia All that negative publicity all the Stuff you think Georgia didn't like Trump because of the court cases whoops Trump 49 Biden 43 Trump 6 in Georgia and Tom this is Bloomberg this is Bloomberg And it shows no Bounce from the State of The Union Michigan the actually the Tightest of the Battleground Trump 46 Biden 44 Trump plus two Nevada you've Got uh what is that SEIU I'm hope I'm Saying it right the uh service employees Union which is so big in Nevada carried Harry Reid carried that Union in his Pocket for so long um it's actually Trump 48 Biden 42 Nevada plus 6 Trump North Carolina Trump 50 Biden 41 Trump Plus N9 Pennsylvania here it is Trump 49 Biden 43 Trump plus 6 Wisconsin Trump 46 Biden

42 Trump plus 4 ladies and gentlemen Today Bloomberg all the Battleground States the Battlegrounds are defined as Mich the blue wall Battleground is what They call it Michigan Wisconsin Pennsylvania Trump 3 to nothing and the Second tier Battleground they call North Carolina Georgia and Arizona Trump three To nothing and then you throw in Nevada Which usually doesn't matter in the Election if the election was held today This is over but but here's my question Though with all the all the information Cuz rob you had this chart a while ago With all the states that require no Photo ID all this mail and ballot the Democrats to me don't seem like they're Panicking Tom is that is Democrats don't Seem like they're panicking the Democrats have been panicking everywhere With all due respect I don't okay but go Go I'll say my part after you look Listen to all the things they've been Saying that they've been panicking you Know what uh Bill do not with all due Respect is code word for it go Yourself so but on the other hand yeah But if Tom finish because I want to Still ask my question no no no I mean We've seen Democrats and their proxies Panicking for weeks and they were hoping That the State of the Union would be a Bounce and as I said on the podcast Where we have with Candace I said I

Thought the tone was sharp the tone was Bright he looked sharp but there was Nothing said of substance that the voter Was going to cling on to the polls are Showing that okay so here's my question Though I'm going to just 2020 we're all Asleep and remember that chart it's uh Trump and then Biden and then all of a Sudden overnight mail and ballots went Like it shot up Tom and everybody lost Their minds my question is even though This is saying this is the no voter ID No photo ID mail and ballot situation That's why I'm saying they're not Panicking that they know at the end of This if the court thing doesn't work or All the that's happening with Trump That's their shoe in to win because they Put all the laws in place after Co like I'd be lying if I said I'm not worried About you know election security and all The things to go with it I'd be lying But I'm also have faith in the American Voter and what's going on here if this Is really the case and this is stolen I Mean forget January six the country is Going to go AP let me ask you this Question let's say New York post Tweet Is left on okay and wasn't taken down You know which one I'm talking about Hunter Biden laptop and this was what October surprises what do they call it October surpr so let's say that's left Okay and they don't take it down called

Fake news and 50 different former you Know intelligence people have signed That this is all fake right we All saw it was all a lie right and let's Say uh uh there is no gamification no Drop in nothing we find out that night Whether Trump or Biden wins by how much Do you think Trump would have won that Night in 2020 even even with the mail And ballot um no no no we don't go the Additional 15 20 days whatever that Night that Tuesday when we're up 3:30 in The morning 4:00 in the morning let's Say they count everything that night by How much do you think Trump would have Won if you think that's the case by how Much he would have had I've done the Math he would have touched 300 electoral Votes he would have touched 300 Electoral votes yep and you only need 279 that's right so you're saying it Would have been a slam dunk not even a Problem he would have won things like Georgia would have flipped because they Were razor thin I think Pennsylvania Would have stayed with him and they're Saying just because of the the polling That they said that people if that was True that Decis the reason why I'm asking this is The Following you know in a game when you're Playing and they say listen the NFL Wants LeBron to win the championship we

Know that the NBA wants LeBron to win The championship the NFL wants Patrick Mahomes to win the championship like you Know how there's always that talk where Who the NFL or the NBA would want that To win the champion and one bad call is Like that's their magic switch or for Example like even in boxing hey boxing Wants Fury to beat inano because there's No way Fury so so guess where you don't Want it to go to guess where you don't Want it to go to where a decision right That's what they say so trust me the Calls are going to go for Kansas City You know like that what's the one thing They haven't had a holding call called On it for I don't know how many quarters Or whatever they all everybody talks About offive line was perfect angels so They said in the three Super Bowls There's never been a holding call on the Kansas City Chiefs can you fact check me Rob it's one of those things where no Holding call Kansas City Chiefs just Type that and something will come up Kansas City Chiefs see which one comes Up Not called for a single holding call the Offense was called for holding penalty In the last three super bow Super Bowls Two players mugging him right there so So so meaning that the holding so so but Imagine you're the other team okay and You're the coach how do you coach that

Team do you coach the team to make sure The referee's on your side or how do you Coach them you coach the team and you Say what listen here's what you got to Realize they're going to call against You they're going to want them to win Mhm they're going to favor them whatever You do you have to win big you can't win By you know fourth quarter three minutes Left where you know we're up three you Can't do it based on that they're going To give them the calls we have to make Sure we go so big that if they do any of The calls we win by two or three Touchdowns we cannot win by a field goal Cuz we're not going to okay so what's The point here there's a big difference Between this and 2024 I think 2020 to me uh uh was a very Very super close game very super close Game and guess what the Referees didn't call holding on the New York Post Twitter account the Tweet you Had to know that yeah they're not going To call the tweet for you they're not Going to call holding and so you made The race be close and you lost right so There there's a part of that but it Doesn't mean it's not cheating of of Course it's cheating yeah it doesn't Mean any of that's of course hey why are You not and then later on why' you 50 Intelligence people came out and now we Know it was true what are you talking

About all that manipulation that they Did the only difference that they don't Have now uh uh Vinnie is the following Now we know that that tweet was right Now we know the 50 intelligence were Lying now we know and now we know he Doesn't bring world peace now we know The am now we know life is more Expensive for Americans now we know now You know here's what you have right now Which is very very difficult for these Guys nobody can say you don't know how a Trump uh candidacy is going to be and Nobody can say you don't know what a Biden candidacy is going to be nobody There is no well what if this there is Zero speculation you know Biden you know Trump now this is proof yeah these are Facts these are not hypotheticals RFK we Don't know very good so that's the part We don't but we do know exactly what Happened with Trump and we do know Exactly what happened with Biden not Going make the decision based on that so I think it's going to be a very Different 2024 than 2020 and do you Think in your heart of hearts though if The they that the they that Biden keeps Talking about because he's not running The show because that's what they've Always wanted do you genuinely think That if it gets to where they know that That cuz they've already cheated how Many times if they see that and they see

This Tom what like do you think that There's an actual genuine possibility That they tried to do something to make Us not vote or to do something on that Election like in in that month they may And guess what guess what you have to be Ready for that yeah that's what I'm Saying I've been tell people they may You have to be ready for it they may and And there has to be you know like a it Was Manhattan Beach where the BLM tried To go Riot you know what happened at Manhattan Beach when they tried Huntington Beach Huntington Beach do you Know what happened when they tried to RI H the people showed up oh straight up oh Really oh oh straight up like biker Everybody show they like come on let's Go let's go do something oh really yeah They show and then they're like ah no Not a good idea turn around they left Okay they went to Glendale they tried to Do whatever they were doing with lgbtq And glendel with the kids you know Armenian parents showing up you know What they did you don't mess with Armenians are you kidding me they showed Up so to me I think there has to be an Element of saying don't do this again Don't try this again okay there's a Community of people that literally have Nothing to lose I think this is the Wrong time for them to play those games I think this the wrong time for I hope

So I I think this the wrong time for Them to play those games people know What Biden is people know what Trump is And Biden saying the sentiment this is Not Tom n bisoc this is not me the Sentiment people in these states were Saying he keeps saying Trump bad Trump Wrong and it's not sticking that's They're saying wait a minute I know Trump I know what happened to the Economy I know what he tried to do with The wall I know what's going on and it's Not sticking and instead Trump is saying Look at immigration look at the economy It's sticking because they know it's Real it's not perception so I trust the Voters and right now Battleground voters Are saying I had enough and I'm going This way I hope hope so let me just wait In for a sec uh these spring polls you Know they're they're helpful uh but We're eight nine months away from the Election a lot of things can change so Let's just establish that and we all Know the following there's 100,000 People in this country that determine The outcome of every single election and They're in these Battleground states That we just mentioned the blue wall of Michigan Pennsylvania Wisconsin throwing A little bit of Georgia throwing a Little bit of Nevada North Carolina boom You have your election it's not 80 Million votes on one side and 78 million

On other side it's 100,000 people that Basically have uh bipolar complex every Four to eight years when they vote for Bush then Obama and then Trump and then Biden they go back and forth so and my Grandma's one of them she voted for Bush And then she voted for McCain and then She voted for Trump and then she voted For Biden like there she just go back And forth and she's in where it is Michigan and that's how people operate There so here's what I can guarantee These you know I got a lot of heat in 2020 where I was like they were I was Said look guys uh I follow the Vegas Odds uh Biden's favored you're crazy He's not going to win I go I'm just Following the Vegas odds so right now Trump is favored and everyone's like you Can't trust the polls you can't trust The the odds Well turns out you could so It's interesting that now that Trump is Sort of favored we kind of trust these Polls here's what I can guarantee in October you're going to hear the Following story race heats up too close To call get to the polls you'll never Know what's going to happen need your Vote rock your vote so that's something I can guarantee last point of this today The number of the day is four so because Today marks the 4-year anniversary of When Trump declared a national state of Emergency because of Co it was today

Four years ago since then the United States government has spent and printed $4.4 trillion doar to basically fight Off covid and the pandemic both Candidates are polling in the low 40s Biden some say he's in the high 30s you Know it's neck and neck whatever Depending on the state they're both in The low 40s um and the question is which One of these candidates the old and Scile Joe Biden or the old and angry Donald Trump deserves four more years so We'll see what happens there by the way I don't not sure if you heard uh in Georgia I believe they dropped five of The counts against Trump six so oh six Six of the counts you're right so it Went from 91 to now 85 counts so as far As 85 there it is six counts so 85 it's Now 85 counts so you have the 85 counts Against Trump and by the way if Biden Does win how old will he be at the end Of his term 85 years old there's some Numbers but he won't remember the day That he was sworn in but go ahead so if You like this clip and you want to watch Another one click right here and if you Want to watch the entire podcast click Right Here

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