“Bribes Keep Coming” – $100 Billion ‘Trump Proof’ NATO Deal Allows Zelenskyy To Keep Grifting

Patrick Bet-David, Adam Sosnick, Tom Ellsworth, and Vincent Oshana react to NATO’s $100 billion “Trump Proof” plan to continue funding for Ukraine.


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Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

NATO plans $100 billion yeah NATO plans $100 billion Trump proof fund for Ukraine this is a financial time story NATO has drawn up plans for to secure a 5-year military aid package of up to1 Billion and an attempt to Shield Ukraine From Winds of political change that Could usher in a second Trump presidency The so-called mission for Ukraine Proposal which will be discussed By NATO foreign ministers on Wednesday Is being put forward by the Secretary General Jens stoltenberg according to Five Alliance diplomats briefed on the Plan it would coordinate an estimated $100 billion on support by 32 members of Military Alliance Stenberg has pitched a Proposal as a means to Shield the Mechanism Against The Winds of political Change hence Trump according to people Briefed on his remarks if approved it Would also give Alliance control of the Us-led r Stein weapons support group and Allow it to manage the supply of lethal Weapons to Ukraine for the first time Since Russia fullscale invasion in 2022 Again in the life insurance policy Business there's something called an Eyet individual uh irrevocable life Insurance trust what irrevocable life Insurance trust is let's just say you Get married you and you buy a $10 Million policy $5 million policy you can Buy an irrevocable life insurance trust

To on your life for your wife That means irrevocable you can't change The beneficiary okay it sticks with her No matter what it sticks with her no Matter what so your wife is not going to Worry about two years later you guys get A divorce and you change the beneficiary To Beth instead of Mary okay it's going To be a new person getting that it's Irrevocable okay even even if they both Parties go we don't it's irrevocable Irrevocable yeah it's irrevocable so What what zalinski and and Ukraine is Doing they're trying to get a hundred Billion e Evocable uh funding Aid to them even if Trump gets elected so that means if you Change your wife or your whatever you do If you change your wife to somebody else You still have to support your ex-wife Hence zalinski is the ex-wife of us if Trump gets elected that's exactly what This is Tom anything different than what I just said no you're absolutely correct It becomes like a a 401 care in Ira for Future bribery so it's like it it Ensures that the bribes can keep going The raft can can keep flowing and you Know it saves zalinsky the trouble of You know ironing the green shirt to come To Congress and do speeches begging for Aid he's just he's become yo zalinski is Become an annoying like baby mama like I'm I'm sick and tired of hearing him

Him complaining like dude really you're Setting it up to where it's Trump proof To not let you launder money that's Absolutely ridicul how far is it along Are they saying that it's going to Happen I mean I and by the way who are They protecting are they protecting who They're giving the Money zinski or is it who zalinsky then Gives the money no Tom how many times Are we going to are we going to find Those stories where this guy got caught With 4 million this guy got caught with 40 million it's like it's like it's not Even pretending anymore we all know what The hell it's about I was trying to Paint the picture for people maybe Haven't heard us previously yeah you're Right more and more people are watching The podcast so maybe they didn't know It's like zinsky takes this money and All of a sudden generals economic guys And everything are driving a Bentley They're trying to avoid bombs but They're driving a bent Rob can you go to Politico go to Google and type this up Type in Ukraine is at Great risk of its Front lines collapsing I think front Lines collapsing okay go to polit it Should be a political story Tom look at This here story that's like clastic Surgery failure to me by the way this is From what date can you give us the date On this R maybe go up a little bit to

See if we have a date or lower uh uh April 3rd which is what two days ago Right or what's today's date yes today Today's the 4th today's the fourth okay Go up to the top of the story all right So Ukraine is at Great risk of its front Lines collaps and according to high Ranking Ukrainian officers the military Picture is grim and Russian generals Could find success wherever they decide To focus their upcoming offensive I Thought Ukraine was winning Oh I thought And and I thought political a paper from The left how their political write an Offensive article like this why why Would Tom why would political do such an Irresponsible paper here well you know It the this doesn't make any sense Unless somebody from the establishment Democrat Party asks them to write Something in support of the foreign aid P wait oh my Gosh what Elon Musk says Russia will Certainly gain more land in Ukraine he Said that four days ago go a little Lower WAP uh ilamas predicts Russia will Gain more land musk says he believe Ukraine should focus on defending its Territory instead of attacking musk SpaceX initially sent thousands of Starling terminals to Ukraine but Relations have since schol yeah because You don't remember what they said to Z To musk do you forget what they called

Musk trashing him and finally musk is Like screw you I'm turning it off go a Little low Rob about the nerling yeah You know starlink sorry it was a tragic Waste of life for Ukraine to attack a Larger Army that had defense in depth Mine Fields and stronger artill Artillery when Ukraine lacks armor or Air Soety uh superiority any fool could have Predicted that musk said this on Twitter Okay formerly known as no yeah formerly Known as Twitter go ahead X um can I uh Let me uh weigh in on this I think it's The best move they can possibly make if You're NATO um you know where they I Love the insurance analogy you know they I think it was coach Bear Bryant that Famously said uh offense wins games but Defense wins championships you better Put some defense in place because if Trump is elected the rhetoric he has Used is we're going to solve this in one Day and a lot of people were inclined to Believe that that that means he's just Going to let Russia take Ukraine so from An American Perspective America First over here uh That's not the biggest deal to us but if You're talking Poland and Finland and Sweden and Lithuania and Estonia and Laia and everything going on over there Yeah they got some worries about Russia Bro uh they're very worried and that

That the prime minister of Norway uh he Was the former prime minister of Norway Now he runs NATO Yan stoltenberg He better do this because there's a good Chance based on Trump's rhetoric that He's just going to let literally Putin Do whatever the hell you want so there Should be some some concerns I think one Of the best things that Trump should Have ever done marketing wise he said Build a wall lock her up drain the swamp All these three word three word phrases Make NATO pay not sure how he missed That one as a brilliant marketer but He's he's holding NATO to the fire he's Making them pay and he's holding them Accountable they have been paying more Since Trump's been saying that but if I'm those countries I would implement This insurance policy and play defense Tom uh I think NATO's trying to protect NATO NATO wanted to expand into Ukraine NATO wanted to expand NATO and NATO's Trying to protect NATO you know the Question is you know the loss of life That's gone on on both sides here is is Pretty ridiculous and the Ukraine you Know let's step back from it and look Objectively Ukraine was the Bread Basket Of Europe This was the Midwest Farmland Of Europe when you take a look at Europe And that has been lost prices are up Huge loss of life you know we need a Ceasefire and we need to get this thing

Back to sanity and back to the borders You know where they were and we're in This intractable long drawn out proxy War where we keep flooding all the Warhawks keep flooding money into um Ukraine hoping we're going to hold back Russia whereas El musk is right all the Propaganda and everything oh Ukraine is Winning keep giving them more they're Almost going to win a little more we're Almost there a little bit more we're Almost there couple billion more yep It's it's a traged but this is NATO Protecting NATO NATO's interests are Expand NATO and so of course they want To fund so they can keep trying so if You like this clip and you want to watch Another one click right here and if you Want to watch the entire podcast click Right Here

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