Dame Dash Exposes Culture Vulture Lyor Cohen for “The Devil’s Money

In a recent revelation that sent shockwaves through the music industry, media mogul Dame Dash has accused industry veteran Lyor Cohen of being a “culture vulture” who prioritizes profit over artistic integrity. The explosive exposé has reignited conversations about the ethical implications of exploiting artists for financial gain. Join us as we delve into the damning allegations and their potential impact on the music business landscape.

Dame Dash Exposes Culture Vulture Lyor Cohen for “The Devil’s Money”


In a recent interview, entrepreneur and hip-hop mogul Damon Dash, also known as Dame Dash, unleashed a storm of controversy by exposing industry executive Lyor Cohen as a “culture vulture” who deals in what he calls “the devil’s money.” Let’s delve deeper into the heated conversation and explore the implications of Dash’s bold statements.

Unpacking the Interview

During the interview, Patrick Bet-David and Damon Dash discuss culture vulture Lyor Cohen, shedding light on the questionable practices prevalent in the music industry. Dash pulls no punches as he accuses Cohen of exploiting artists for personal gain, labeling him as someone who thrives on the exploitation of culture rather than nurturing it.

  • Highlighted Points from the Interview:
    • Dame Dash exposes the dark side of the music industry and calls out Lyor Cohen’s practices.
    • The discussion reveals the damaging impact of culture vultures on artists and the creative process.
    • Dash emphasizes the importance of integrity and staying true to one’s values in business dealings.

Taking a Stand Against “Devil’s Money”

Dash’s adamant stance on not using “devil’s money” in business sends shockwaves through the industry and prompts reflection on ethical business practices. His refusal to compromise his principles for profit serves as a powerful reminder that success should not come at the cost of integrity.

  • Key Takeaways:
    • Dash’s unwavering commitment to ethical business practices challenges industry norms.
    • By exposing the dangers of chasing profit at any cost, he sets a compelling example for aspiring entrepreneurs.
    • The discussion sparks a larger conversation about the importance of moral values in navigating the business world.

Connecting with Dash and Bet-David

For those inspired by Dash’s bold convictions and Bet-David’s insightful interviews, engaging with their platforms offers valuable opportunities for growth and empowerment.

  • Connect with Damon Dash, Patrick Bet-David, and others on Minnect to join a community of like-minded individuals passionate about entrepreneurship and cultural integrity.
  • Explore Patrick’s book “Choose Your Enemies Wisely” for valuable insights on strategic decision-making and overcoming challenges in business.
  • Register to win a Valuetainment Boss Set and elevate your entrepreneurial journey with practical tools and resources.
  • Get personalized business advice through Bet-David Consulting and gain a competitive edge in your industry.
  • Visit VT.com for the latest news in politics, business, and entertainment, curated to inform and inspire your entrepreneurial pursuits.
  • Enroll in Valuetainment University for online courses designed to sharpen your business acumen and propel your career to new heights.


Damon Dash’s revelations about culture vulture Lyor Cohen and the implications of dealing in “the devil’s money” serve as a powerful wake-up call for the industry. By holding steadfast to his values and advocating for ethical practices, Dash challenges entrepreneurs to prioritize integrity over profit and pave the way for a more transparent and principled business landscape.

FAQs About Culture Vulture Lyor Cohen

  1. Who is Lyor Cohen, and why is he referred to as a culture vulture?
  2. How has Damon Dash’s interview with Patrick Bet-David sparked controversy in the industry?
  3. What are the potential consequences of engaging in “the devil’s money” in business, according to Dash?
  4. How can entrepreneurs align their values with their business practices to avoid falling into unethical traps?
  5. What steps can aspiring artists and industry professionals take to protect themselves from exploitation by culture vultures like Cohen?
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