DISCIPLINE YOURSELF – Best Motivational Video Ever

If what you have done yesterday still looks big to you, you haven’t done much today.

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This video was fully edited and licensed by Motivational Instinct Studio


Tyrese Gibson

Andy Frisella

Nathan Harmon

Music: Licensed from Whitesand

All footage used in our videos are licensed through StoryBlocks, FilmPac and Artgrid. We own commercial licenses for all the content used in our videos.


1)This video has no negative impact on the original works
2)This video is also for teaching purposes
3)It is transformative in nature
4)I only used bits and pieces of the videos to get point across where necessary

Keywords: motivation, inspiration, success, inspirational video, successful life, grind, work hard, discipline, never give up, morning daily motivation, motivational video.

[Music] Sometimes a setback Is a setup For the greatest blessings of all times When challenges and issues Come back to back to back to back and it Seems like Something is after me something is Attacking me something is attacking my Journey it can be a lot of different Levels A setback is a setup For ultimate blessings that are on the Way They give your life as uh a boomerang Not a boomerang but a slingshot You're dealing with a slingshot you Normally pull it all the way back with a Little Rock in your hand And then you let go and then it flies Off Setback [Music] Set up For you to fly Instead of you complaining About how challenging and how crazy your Life is right now the question becomes This Are you gonna do the same dump you did To put yourself in that hole Are you gonna gravitate towards the same Type of friends but in a different body The different name you

Attract a lot of your problems Heart pain heartaches issues and Conflicts you keep spending all your Money [Music] It's making promises to yourself that You don't keep it's saying I'm going to Do this and not doing it because then What happens after that is the self-talk The self-talk that you create by not Upholding the obligations that you make To yourself is ultimately the most Destructive thing that you could ever do To yourself and that all comes from us Just not upholding the deals that we Make to ourselves and whether that deal Be something that you write on paper or Something that you think or something That you just know you should do it all Counts the same so when you start Thinking hey I should do this go do it Okay because the self-talk that Naturally rebounds from not doing those Things that you tell yourself you're Going to do is what literally destroys Your self-esteem and your Self-confidence which is why most people Have none it's also why most people Think that self-esteem and Self-confidence are things that people Are born with not things that people Create this is not a trait it's a skill If you invest into it you will get a Withdrawal out of it okay if you invest

Into keeping those promises to yourself Without any compromise zero compromise This is getting done no matter what what Comes back is you know that you're a Person of Integrity that you can trust And that gives you confidence so you Walk in a room you're like None of these do I you and all of a Sudden now you're figuring out holy You're actually pretty powerful And that snowballs from there but it all Starts with the lies you tell to Yourself And so I've learned That pressure Can bust pipes But pressure can refine diamonds and the Processes and the tools that if I learn To develop Now they can translate to anything else In the future But the truth is it didn't really Sway me because my why have been Developed in a foundation that my anchor In my why was bigger than the storm And when you're Y is bigger than the Storm nothing can move you Yep you may sway Yep there may be the elements that beat Against you a little bit Maybe you need to up anchor and move the Boat a little bit farther but you've got The anchor you've got the tools you've Got the practices you've got the method

That no matter what's coming you are Weather [Music] You are weathered you are Teflon you can Overcome it And what I've learned about this Is why it's so important for you and I To continue to be intentional and lean Into our places of uncomfortability but To use to use Community to understand That you can be in the room but you're Not present at the end of the day life Is more than just surface what I can get In quick transactions and living life is About human connection And the more that you can get into a Place of using the people around you you Can begin to navigate any storm and any Adversity now that takes you though Having to face fears and challenges and Being intentional of taking control of What you can control but in my life when I talk about transparency and Accountability and hard work and good Choices and valuing people what it Really comes down to is horizontal and Vertical relationships [Music] Now for those of y'all that are on the Receiving end of a bunch of random Things that completely caught you off Guard that you never asked for you never Signed up for it you never walked in the Direction of pain and drama and

Dysfunction and you're just dealing with A rough patch This is what I've learned to do Look for the lesson Look for the lesson in it all you can't Possibly be going through that unless God is trying to develop your character He wants you to learn something he's Trying to put you through something to Prepare you for what's what else is on The way You ever had so many people to die in Your family That when you deal with death now you Don't go to the level of depression and Sad and misery it's not that anyone Would ever want to get used to death but If you've been through so much stuff you Almost laugh it off That's called character There are some people that's got all the Money in the world and as soon as they Go through one little small ass little Issue They become depressed for like four Months And if you went through that same thing Whether you got money or not you would Have laughed that off three hours after It happened and moved on with your life It's called character [Music] Look at someone's life There's people who make unrealistic

Promises to themselves and keep them Live on realistic lives People who make realistic promises to Themselves and keep them live very Average lives Set a big goal you're capable of Anything You have unlimited opportunity we have Technology that that cuts the curve down From 10 years of knocking on condors To two years Okay there's no excuse for you to be Weak there's no excuse for you to be Uninformed there's no excuse for you to Be fat and sick there's zero excuse zero There's no excuse for you to not have Your career in life I don't this Whole victim culture I hope you guys can understand this is a Intentional Social construct that they have put onto You and the reality of people is they're Flyers They all know you ain't healthy you're Believing there and you're the one That's going to suffer for it not them So wake up realize that these people Will tell you anything they can can Because the culture that we live in it's Socially acceptable to pacify people With lies Rather than tell them the actual truth Which may save their life trust me I Know because I get from people every day

All right the truth is truth is the Mother truth and you better start living In it or you're going to waste your life Foreign [Music]

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