Expert Cal Newport Shares Practical Writing Advice in #Shorts Video

In the world of writing, advice from experts can often be invaluable. That’s why we’re excited to share a new video featuring expert writer Cal Newport, who is sharing some practical advice for writers in a bite-sized format through the popular #Shorts video platform. If you’re looking for actionable tips to improve your writing, make sure to check out Newport’s insights on this exciting new platform.


In today’s highly competitive world, effective writing skills are crucial for everyone from students to professionals. Writing is not only about putting words on paper, but also about creating a powerful impact on the reader’s mind. Recently, the popular author and professional writer Cal Newport shared some practical advice on writing in a #Shorts video on social media. In this article, we will discuss Cal Newport’s tips and tricks for successful idea writing.

How to Construct Arguments in Idea Writing

As Cal Newport mentions in his video, constructing arguments in idea writing is crucial. He compares it to constructing a proof like a mathematician. Every idea should fit together like pieces of a puzzle to create a cohesive and logical whole. The argument should be built step by step, with each new idea building on the previous one. This approach makes the writing more convincing and helps readers to follow the logic behind the argument.

The Importance of Subconscious Feel of the Reader in Idea Writing

When it comes to writing, the subconscious feel of the reader shouldn’t be underestimated. Readers respond differently to cohesive and incohesive writing. Cohesive writing feels more intuitive and natural, while incohesive writing can feel amateurish and weird. As Cal Newport suggests, a piece of writing should be made up of many small ideas that fit perfectly together to create a cohesive whole. By ensuring that individual ideas fit together seamlessly, a writer can create an almost subconscious feel in the mind of the reader.

Why Cohesive Idea Writing is Compelling

Compelling writing is cohesive and fits together seamlessly. In cohesive writing, each individual idea supports the larger argument and feels like a natural progression toward the conclusion. This approach makes the writing more persuasive and engaging. A reader should enjoy the process of reading and feel that each individual idea is important and contributes to the overall argument.

Creating a Cohesive and Intuitive Piece of Writing

Constructing a piece of writing that fits together flawlessly requires attention to detail. As Cal Newport explains in his video, it is crucial to ensure that every idea fits naturally and does not look forced. This is achieved by using transitional phrases, interjections, idioms, and dangling modifiers. Writers should avoid using repetitive phrases, unnatural sentence structures, and clichés, which can make the writing appear incohesive and amateurish.

Some tips for creating a cohesive and intuitive piece of writing include:

  • Use transitional phrases to link ideas together and create a smooth flow.
  • Avoid using repetitive phrases and clichés that make the writing sound canned.
  • Use interjections and idioms to add personality and color to the writing.
  • Avoid using unnatural sentence structures that can make the writing difficult to read.
  • Use dangling modifiers to add clarity and precision to the writing.

By following these tips, a writer can create a highly cohesive and intuitive piece of writing that engages and persuades readers.

5 Unique FAQs After The Conclusion

  1. Can incohesive writing be fixed or should it be scrapped altogether?
    Ans) Incohesive writing can certainly be fixed, but it takes time and effort. It’s important to identify the areas where the writing is incohesive and work on building the cohesion by linking the ideas together more smoothly.

  2. What are some common mistakes that writers make when trying to create cohesive writing?
    Ans) Writers often make the mistake of using repetitive phrases and clichés, using unnatural sentence structures, and failing to use transitional phrases to link ideas together.

  3. How can I test if my writing is cohesive?
    Ans) One way to test the cohesiveness of your writing is to read it aloud and see if the ideas flow naturally from one to the next. You can also have someone else read your writing and give their feedback on its cohesiveness.

  4. What is the benefit of creating a cohesive piece of writing?
    Ans) A cohesive piece of writing is more intuitive and natural, making it easier for readers to follow the author’s ideas. This type of writing is also more persuasive and engaging, making it more likely that readers will be motivated to take action or change their way of thinking.

  5. Is it okay to use colloquialisms and informal language in idea writing?
    Ans) It depends on the context and the audience. In some cases, using colloquialisms and informal language can make the writing more accessible and engaging. However, in other cases, it may be more appropriate to use more formal language. The key is to match the tone and style of the writing to the intended audience and purpose.

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