“He Called Out The CIA!” – Is Trump The Only Person To Go Against The Establishment

In this short clip, Patrick Bet-David, Jimmy Dore, Adam Sosnick and Vincent Oshana discuss whether Trump is the only person to go against the establishment.

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Here's what I want you to do okay from 0 To 100 give a score okay give a score of Where they're at 100 being full-blown Establishment zero being Anti-establishment okay fair Ron Paul You know I don't know all I know is how Much I love the way he talks about I do Too just keep a number what do you think Nobody's gonna fact check you that's Your opinion I would say I don't know 67 Okay maybe 50 I don't know Tulsa yabbard Uh again this is I I don't really like This uh but I tell you why I'm asking This question I'm really I'm really Curious because if you if you don't mind So what do you think Tulsi is zero to a Hundred Uh you know she's showing I would say 50. okay what would you say Newsome is a Hundred McConnell 100 McCarthy 100. McCarthy's on Matt Gates Uh uh I don't know 70. okay interesting That's why I'm asking a question AOC Wait when Matt Gates stood up against Work I agree with you he's putting in an Anti-legelation to stop the funding of The Ukraine and by the way the case Against them was dropped yesterday I Don't know if you saw that or not okay How about uh how about AOC Oh I I 100 okay Bernie well Bernie's Actions are a hundred okay uh Trump Uh

Well he went you know he's like I said He he wasn't an imperialist as much as Other people were he was but he wasn't As much Um He did talk about the Deep state but he Didn't do anything he said he was going To do he said he was going to bring Everybody jobs he was going to give Everybody health care and he didn't do Any of those things but he did give People he did give millionaires him uh a Trillion dollar tax cut just like Everybody and so why do they hate him They hate him because he once in a while Would tell the truth that you're not Allowed to tell like there's a deep State a permanent state that actually Runs things there's uh and Chuck Schumer Also also said that about Donald Trump When he when Donald Trump was telling People that the CIA and the FBI there is A deep State and they're the ones Pulling the strings on this stuff Chuck Schumer said it's really foolish of him To do that because uh if you go against The CIA they got six ways this Sunday to Get back again no that's the leader of The democratic party in the Senate Saying that as president of the United States should be afraid of the CIA he Said it on [ __ ] camera and nobody and Everybody was like Trump's crazy what no Chuck Schumer just told you who runs

This goddamn country and the president Better watch his ass he better not cross The CIA that's what the leader of the Democratic Party said who by the way He's not a leader he's a puppet of Wall Street how does a guy like Chuck Schumer Who I know you wouldn't even ask Directions to the [ __ ] freeway from I Wouldn't either these guys how does he Get to be a leader because he's the Biggest him and Mitch McConnell right They get they get uh they're the biggest Marks Wall Street military industrial Complex health insurance big Pharma they Give them all the money because they're The most corrupted and then they take That money and they give it to their Colleagues so they can go get reelected And then they have to vote for them as Leader not because they're leaders but Because of the most corrupted pieces of [ __ ] in Congress and that's why the Countries like the way it is right now Because we're run a hundred percent by Corruption okay so Trump's wrote a Hundred Like I said I would 85 okay so go to Nikki Haley I don't Know Nikki Haley okay let's just keep Going but I did see Don Lemon yeah that Was not good how about the scientists The santis Uh I I don't I I DeSantis was was better On kovid than other people

So I would say 95. okay uh so you give Trump Lord and the sentence interesting So how about Michelle Obama hundred Hillary Clinton 100 okay so so now let's Let's do something let's I'm gonna I'm Gonna ask you a question let's stay on This topic here so if if out of Everybody you said it's interesting you Identify yourself as a you would would You say you're a progressive uh uh again I don't want to put words in your mouth What would you say you are yourself Politically I would say I'm politically homeless uh I but I I call them I used to call Myself a progressive I don't do that Anymore because Hillary Clinton started Calling herself a progressive so I can't Be that so I just called myself a lefty Or an old style Lefty old style Lefty Yeah You're not John F Kennedy Lefty right Wow well I mean he see I killed him Right I mean I don't know what that mean I mean I'm an RFK Lefty I know that okay Um so yeah I mean I'm anti-imperialism I'm anti-war machine I'm pro-worker I'm Pro-medicare for all I'm free speech ABS I'm you know people say oh is it is an Absolutist yeah yeah that's why we have A First Amendment and the answer to bad Speech is more speech not censorship as We're learning through the Twitter files Yeah so so for me you know you know what

I think about I think they know people Are going to clip this and say look Jimmy Dore says de Santa Jimmy Dore says Trump is Anti-establishment I'm not saying that I'm saying they are the establishment They're still going to do it by the way Just so you know there's still going to Clip this I know so you know that but But here's a here's the question for you So You think the right person for the job Is ever somebody you fully like Uh no okay so you think the right person For the job you have to like a hundred Percent of everything they do and you Have to agree a hundred percent with What they agree with no okay so could The person that's the right person what Are the qualities of the right person For this job so purely not policies but Qualities what are the right qualities Of somebody that would be the right Person for this job to go against the Establishment qualities we need someone I I was uh we need someone who's Actually going to stand up For what they believe in shama sawant She's the real deal qualities give me Qualities Her quality is honesty integrity Uh and I don't know what the word would Be but um like her salary she will only Take as much money as the average salary

In her district and she gives the rest Away That's the real deal I don't know what You call that but she's real and she put She's she's where the rubber meets the Road and that's the kind of politician I Look for people who care they they know What it's like to struggle can she be Bought I don't think she can be okay so So let's let's put that down I think I Think we're getting something so you Said honest Integrity which by the way It's very hard for us to really measure That those qualities you know that that Takes five ten years until we really Know if a person is honest and has Integrity but you said it's not for sale Okay let's put that right what else Let's let's let's figure out some of These qualities here is it fair to say That the person uh uh cannot be afraid Of being trash destroyed labeled [ __ ] Talked about you know backstabbed you Cannot fear what do you call that do we Want to put thick skin yeah is that fair Okay what else would you say for the Quality of this person Uh uh courage courage what else I agree They have their own money do they have To be does it help if they have their Own money you know at that Certainly doesn't so I know I think Integrity no I mean are you sure like it Like for like

It's like if someone like you ran right You wouldn't need their money yeah so That would give you a certain amount of Freedom right right so yeah I mean I Understand that idea yeah uh so if you If you need their money you become a Puppet I guess we said that already you Know instead of saying not need money It's not for sale okay so you're not you Know okay let's put that slash has their Own money whatever okay what else Because I think this is very important Because for me let me explain to what I'm doing here with you so our staff Were sitting there we're having a Conversation about who we need the Specific chief executive position that We're trying to hire for and there's Debate amongst the group board who's the Person to hire one groups and I think is This person that person this person and We're having a very very big debate I Said before we have this wasted time Debating this write out the job Description and the qualities of this Individual to fit the criteria and then Let's go recruit that person right That's what I'm doing right now so so Far for us to have somebody that is not Afraid to go up against these bullies That we know from both sides this is What we have so far honesty Integrity is Not for sale has their own money thick Skin courage what else would you say do

We want to add anything else to this Compassion right compassion she wants What he's going to care about that I Agree that's a good one good call Rob What else would you say I mean this is You know what what else would you put on This list here somebody said conviction Okay conviction is is there anything Else you want to add to it I think That's that's So so for me when when you when you Explain this to me I I uh I hate to say this and I know people are Gonna lose their minds when I say this Including yourself there's only one name I think about uh oh you know you know The name who There's only one name you put on this List here you're gonna put Trump there's Only one name what's the name he said it Trump let me explain to you why but by The way let me explain to you why though Let me explain to you why the challenge With everything you said when you said Well you know he didn't even do it look At him he said he's going to go to the CIA and then Schumer said what you know You realize what they're gonna do you Realize they got six all this stuff that You said about CIA of course You do you think a take a company that's Been around for 20 years Let's change it take a company that's

Been around for two years okay they got 42 employees You become a CEO Are those people who are 42 employees Are they fully fully loyal yet or it's Just too start of a company they can Still too early say no we need somebody That knows what they're doing they'll Flip to you immediately if you're a good CEO right okay take a company that's 10 Years and you come in maybe there's a Little bit more loyalty it's going to be Hard to flip these guys right take a Company that's 40 years you're going to Have a hard time flipping so you got to Fire a lot of people right take a Company that's a hundred years take a Company that's been around since 1776. Let's just call this company USA okay And you come in and you want to really The way these guys have been Country Club politicians and you want to break That apart are you you don't have one Enemy you don't have two enemies you Don't have a hundred enemies you have Hundreds if not thousands of enemies who Will not let you ruin what they've been Able to convince the American people of Doing to be able to pull that off off it Takes a very unique individual who is Not going to be liked by a lot of people Who is accustomed to not being liked who Is accustomed to having thick skin who Is accustomed to negotiating with dirty

People politicians business people he's Well dealt with everybody who's Accustomed for that I'm not telling you He's the guy but if you're saying you Want somebody to go up against the Establishment I ask you names you Couldn't come up with names the lowest Score you gave out of all the Presidential candidates was only Trump That's the lowest score you give out of All the names and outside of Tulsa Gabbard because he gave Tulsi like a 50 Is what you gave you give Ron like a 50 I think but Ron is not going to run Tulsa could run this is not a regular Person's job is all I'm saying it's not A regular person's job to be this person Like the other day you know AOC posted a Picture I don't know if you saw this or Not She posted a picture of uh uh of uh what He called herself with Lula okay from Brazil you mentioned Brazil that's why I'm bringing up Lula and if you see this Picture go all the way down keep going Down keep going that she tweets a lot so It's kind of tough to catch him you're Probably not going to get to the picture But it's a picture of her and Lula okay And she says something about it's so Great to have a leader like this who's Brave and courageous etc etc and then Two posts later you know what she posts She posts a picture with Elon Musk and

Rupert Murdoch at Super Bowl and then She says what birds like birds love a Feather flock together right and then You're like wait a minute if that's the Case yeah what do you do two posts ago You are Lula and Lula came to us I Retweeted Biden's picture and I said is Lula in America to get another car wash Yeah if you know the car wash what he Did was stealing yeah all that stuff so So the point all I'm saying this is this Person Jimmy you're probably not going To like the person to go up against Establishment you're probably not gonna Like him What do you think I would I I would I Would like Joe Rogan to run he ain't Gonna do it I know he won't do it but he Won't do it you know I think he I think The world a lot of people would want to Have a guy like that run I don't know I Don't know I think he has all those Qualities I don't disagree and I don't Disagree and didn't come from The Establishment because you know he wasn't A politician but I wanted to ask you When we were talking about it and I Think one of his biggest mistakes for Trump was coming in and right off the Rip going I'm going to drain this swamp And we've said this before in the Podcast Jimmy when you drain the swamp If you think about you take all the Water and shut up you think alligators

And snakes are gonna go hey we're gonna Go to another they're gonna go crazy so Here's my thing and it's funny we're Talking about Carlin I was listening to George Carlin on the way here and it was Like towards the end when he was like With the government is telling you it's A big Club that's right none of us Aren't that so my thing is that Breaking Point Jimmy that we're talking about That that moment where we're in the Streets and I'm just like you I I I've Sacrificed some of my career because I Finally started talking about it and it Really bothers me that you know we're Stuck in this in this rut and I always Say for people to get into the streets But do you think that this deep State And all this the system is so set up Against us even if we have that moment Jimmy where we're there we're we're Ready to go they own all the all the They own all the government they own Everything we kind of can't really if we Win the streets patent was there actual Revolution the National Guards getting Deployed everybody all the cops Everybody's gonna turn on us because That you know they run the show the Government runs all them how loud how Loud do you think that we can actually Get and what would be the breaking point For everybody to go okay we're we're Done do you think there even is a

Breaking Point well that's what I keep Asking that question like what's Happening right now in Palestine Ohio I'm like when when are people when are They gonna stop just taking it I don't Understand what ha so it has to come From the Grassroots it has to I think it Has to come from a worker-led kind of a Thing and you know more of a Christian Smalls kind of a reaching out you know An economic Alliance of the war of the Classes working class I mean so it is a Class war that's happening and so and They won it's all over uh and and they Control that they can I mean it's just So obvious that our our government is Completely controlled which is why they Can't give you Health Care while they They can't bring clean water to Flint Michigan you know they have billions of Dollars in the Ukraine age so they could Get clean water and you could but they Won't do that for the United States I Have a question for you Jimmy yeah this Is gonna be kind of a crazy question but Just go with me okay so we're railing on The establishment right now the Establishment The Establishment the Establishment So the argument these days is should we Just tear it all down and start anew or Fix sort of the problems here's my Question so when I think of Establishment I think of well the

Supreme Court I think of Congress I Think of uh the military I think of the Office of the presidency I think of NATO I think of all the different alphabets CIA FBI every throw everything you want In there right every single Department Of this education agriculture Isn't that what kind of made America What it is today these establishments Now there's Bad actors within the Establishments that we need to get the [ __ ] out of there term limits Bad actors Lobbyists that are operating within the Shadows of the government that they need To get the hell out of their crazy Question but aren't these establishments Established for a reason and we just Need to have better people in there and Hold them accountable but also maintain The establishments well you have to have Institutions I'm not that's what I mean Yeah institutions correct to have Institutions but look at a guy like Fauci right so a guy there he's there 43 Years these are Bad actors bad people Yeah right to this system that is not The system of the NIH that's bad right Right the idea to have an FDA or a CDC Or nia I did these are good things you Need to have these things but the way They're funded is completely ridiculous Right now the the big Pharma funds the 70 of the FDA so they're completely kept So we have corporate capture of our

Regulatory Agencies and so that's what I'm talking about we need to First first Of all start getting money out of Politics so we can get our our Institutions back ours back to serving The people instead of serving press I Agree with you we want to to maintain These establishments yeah you got to Have these institutions but with the Right people so everything you want to Throw with the big in there right you Want to throw big Pharma uh the Military-industrial complex right uh uh Big Oil big Tech all these big stuff That have sort of corporatism has come Within these establishments and reached Around and grabbed their tentacles all About them we just want to get them out So I think the reason that I'm asking This question is because we do want to Maintain these establishments we do want To maintain what has made America great For a lack of a better term but get the Nonsense out of it so I think it's like A very nuanced Discussion and argument not [ __ ] the Establishment we kind of need the Establishment to maintain America so why Was it like for instance a lot of people Would say hey why don't we nationalize You know the oil industry right because That's our oil that's the United the Country's oil it's not exxon's oil and Then whenever a country tries to do that

The United States tries to coup that Government right so yeah we I I wouldn't Expect even with the vaccine like other People have made the point like why Wasn't that nationalized why were they Allowed to make 100 million dollars off Of covid one company which people have No idea how much money that is you know The recording industry in the United States every piece of music that's Recorded and released generates 12 Billion dollars a year a hundred billion Dollars went to one company for covet I Mean that's the kinds and that 100 Billion dollars is enough to buy Everybody in the media and by everybody In government and that's we're living in A corrupted place which is why people Think Ivermectin was horse Pace instead Of what it actually is uh a miracle drug That has saved billions of lives and It's safer than asp Sprint so they Wanted to make you think it was scary That's because and it all started with Bill Clinton in 1996 when he did the Telecommunications Act and people don't Realize that we used to have 50 giant Media companies in America and then Bill Clinton passed the Telecommunications Act which took us down to six which is Why journalism sucked so hard in America Because they all work for the same People they were right they were Competing for the licenses it was insane

By the way that's a very big point he Just made right there about the whole we Had we went from 50 to a handful uh and That hurt a lot of uh people because you Didn't have more voices and until this Format came out where a guy like him or Rogan or us or we can go out there and Talk and say what we're saying we're Like wait a minute what are these guys Toward these guys that kind of makes Sense let me Google this let me research This but then you see the narrative is We're we're all right we're mental we're Radical I don't know if they say that About you but they say that about me That I'm an all I'm all right conspiracy Theorist because I was right about Russiagate I was right about Syria I'm Right about kovid and so that's what They so they have narrative control and If you look at the journalists and the Twitter is the perfect example when the Twitter files came out and mataibi was Exposing stuff like that and uh they Were all [ __ ] on him as if he's some Kind of an idiot for doing breaking a Story about Corruption of social media And the government and so you see They're the narrative control that's What journalism is that's what corporate Journalists are there for to control the Narrative and if they don't control the Narrative they have to start Disappearing people and that's a lot

Harder yeah very important part about The narrative like for instance you just Called yourself a lefty your words and Now you're a quote unquote alt right That they call me which one are you Jimmy I'm Lefty but this is the problem They try to discredit me by calling me All this is the problem and I just kind Of revisit what you were talking about Earlier with Putin for example this is The problem with just dismissing and Throwing a label on somebody so it's so Easy to be like Putin's crazy yeah or uh Or zelinski is a hero that's right and That's it and and most people what I Often say are most people are most People we talk about like most people Are living paycheck to paycheck trying To get by raise their family raise their Kids [ __ ] just day to day work to Work you want me to get into a nuanced Discussion about the Don bats region of Whether the military industry accomplish Is making money on Putin and the NATO Alliance it's like let me just try to Get paid in later over here okay right Buddy so that it's just easy to just Label Putin's crazy silinski's the hero He's gonna be the man of the year all Right cool Jimmy's all right let's keep It moving bye but it's not so simple Like that is your point that's great and Going back to what you're saying though When you said you know aren't some of

These you know FDA aren't some of these Uh you know Institute not institutions Departments whatever you're going to Call them necessary okay so in a company When a person comes in you see how many Dumb departments there is that you're Funding you you you go through when you Hire a CFO to come in and you do a Higher forensics auditing for your own Company that you're taking over you're About to buy so you're about to buy a Company that's got a lot of issues you Come in you you going to spend a lot of Money auditing that business so when we Were being bought there was people Auditing every single thing on what Statement expenses credit card what's This what's that why are you spending This money your Optics you're hiring how Everything is being audited right and Then you're like dude this is a waste That's a waste we can help you with this So then the buyer is sitting there Saying that's six hundred thousand Dollars a year you you uh putting here That it will be a waste because we'll Take it don't worry about it we're gonna Save that money so that's an additional 600 000 in ebitda that million dollars You're spending here that two million Dollars you're spending here we can save Money in those following areas right so When a person comes in This whole thing with Transportation uh

Czar which is who this wonderful guy This this amazing guy Do you know do you know what we're Starting to realize with everything that Happened has he gone to any of the spots By the way has he gone to Ohio has he Gone to Palestine has he gone to Michigan has he gone to Detroit has he Gone to any of these places okay FYI the Same guy that you didn't like let me ask You a question if this guy was President The guy you don't like honestly Jimmy Honesty If this guy was president today You're you're a straight up guy how long Before he goes to Palestine I mean Trump Yes how long before he goes to Michigan How long before he goes to the board he Was president and he didn't fix the Water in Flint Michigan you're expecting Him to do it in what in four years in Four years while he's getting trash with Russia no I mean well he's got a hundred Other issues he's dealing with because Here's here's again this is what it goes Back to the challenge with you wanting The candidate Your uh your uh and by the way if we Think we've seen dirt and smear Campaigns on him we're about to see a Whole different and we're going to see It on the same time they're going to Find on Trump I mean they're going to do It they're going to do a lot of things

Except for him he is now got the lead on Smear campaigns on all of them whatever Twitter files everything that's coming Out and now that Elon Musk owns Twitter It's a different game today than it was In 2020 than today so if you like this Clip and you want to watch another one Click right here and if you want to Watch the entire podcast click right Here [Music]

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