“He Will Never Admit He’s Wrong!” – Steven Crowder Weighs In On Trump vs. DeSantis Debate

In this short clip, Patrick Bet-David, Steven Crowder, Adam Sosnick and Vincent Oshan talk about Trump vs. DeSantis.

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So the Santa's Trump curious to know Where you're at with this okay the Santa's Trump were you're you're singing Why are you laughing Because this question right now is the Third rail in the Republican party oh That's much on it To me because 60 to 20 right CPAC whatever then what Were the numbers that you saw yesterday Right only within CPAC right which is Now called TPAC for Trump yeah oh yeah So where are you with this where are you Here's the thing Um I like qualities from both cam I know This is going to sound like but I'm Certainly not a fence sitter the truth Is I've never been in the business of Endorsing candidates Um obviously once it gets to a general People know where I line up yeah but a Lot of people all the time ask me like Hey can you endorse this cam like I Don't think you really know what it is That I do as a matter of fact even with Guests well we'll have people tune out If we have a guest on because people Want to hear kind of what we're saying About a topic unless it's a real needle Mover we've had that with who you would What an interesting thing you just said Which I feel I hate because it's like I Want hey pay attention to this person You're like this is boring because we

Just came from you know me being Waterboarded or having [ __ ] Jesus and Santa whatever the hell it is I would Vote for any of these people in a National election of course like I would I really hope it's just not a super Bloody primary yeah people ask me what I Like about Donald Trump I like the fact That he went off and did it on his own I Like the fact that he's an outsider um I Don't like the fact that sometimes he What it is with Donald Trump is even if He thinks he might be wrong let's assume And that's a big if he would never admit It he has to dig in his heels so someone With the vax scene you know was an issue And then really you saw with the Audience when he was encouraging younger People that was something that I had a Real problem with Um but I like him a lot I think he Certainly has been probably the most Effective president in my lifetime Rhonda Santos I like that he has really Been consistent as a governor he's done Great things for Florida and again I Don't live here but everything that We've read and covered Um he seems to be a management Remarkably consistent what I don't like Is yeah that he's not a super wealthy Guy and so you are always concerned if To use the term The Establishment wants Him because they feel like they can get

Their hooks right right you always oh I'm not saying he does but that's the Concern so there are qualities that I Like with both of them uh I really hope It's not as as childish although you Know oh my God it's gold because I mean Think about Steve he's Roger yeah right Up to the focus group get Frank let's With your Snickers and two pay let's see What's best yeah yeah and let's see On a past podcast it's like Trump is Dude think about it a lot of the stuff That he was telling everybody about About the virus and he was right yeah About the rush about everything so it's Like for sure he has not [ __ ] a chip on His shoulder bro yeah he has anger and Now I mean Ron is just in his way but Bro we talked about this the last week When I was like I would much rather me Personally go back three years ago when Just the only thing that was being hurt Was people's feelings not the country Like I agree tell me right now [ __ ] Isn't messed up right now oh yeah of Course well but the choice now is Between Trump and Biden that that that's That comparison right now what we're Saying is like if you have Donald Trump In the office or if you have Ron DeSantis or maybe some third person that We don't really know about as much yet You're gonna have a much better Situation than you do right now exactly

Right so it's going to be fantastic I Think the issue with with Trump or any Other camp like we've got to get out of The Messiah worship kind of mentality in Politics in general yeah there's no one Is coming to save you because nobody is Perfect we're all human beings we're all Flawed Donald Trump was incredibly Effective yes highly effective hilarious As well the stuff that he did was like What I what do you like Yeah [Applause] Exactly what he's like I heard people Say this and he could just interject Whatever he wanted to say about somebody But couldn't actually on that debate Stream I don't think so at that point When he I just remember sitting like did He just say his dad killed JFK what the Hell did he just say no about Ted Cruz Yeah we should want the very best Candidate possible to be the Republican Nominee that's what we should want we Don't need a bloodied candidate that's Just been completely destroyed and then Here come the Democrats again with Somebody who's gonna kill the country Yeah we've got to have bigger goals than Just getting our guy into office yeah Disagree with Trump when he says I alone Can fix it is that what you're saying Because you're saying that you don't Want to I would disagree with anybody

Who he who says I alone can fix it yeah I don't think anybody alone can fix this Because Donald Trump was in the office For about really three years right yeah No but he was in there for three years Then he had to deal with the pandemic he Was making a lot of positives somebody Else will have to carry the torch he's Got a he's got a window of eight years And then the establishment will come Roaring back right the machine will come Back you've got to be able to hand the Torch off to the next guy yeah keep it Going for the next eight years not one Person can do this if the Santa's does Get elected let's just go hypothetical Here do you think that it would be a Negative that he is quote unquote Establishment I don't think he's Establishment my concern is that he Could end up owing the estate that's my Point Impossible to work with is the same Reason it makes him almost establishment Proof to some degree he had a lot of People in his cabinet who you would Consider sort of swamp creatures right But as far as them being able to tell Them to be like go screw yourselves I Know better right he doesn't care Um so I'm not saying DeSantis is it's a Concern that he would be more prone to Being influenced by it which it could be Completely ill-founded and I'm not super

Concerned about I'm just trying to you Know Express concerns with both of them Yeah I don't like the quote you know the Old quote whatever kills you makes you Stronger doesn't I mean what happens if You end up being like a quad amputee Like no quadrupletion none of that is True whatever killer it says exactly Stronger so aside from Trump doesn't Every candidate kind of have to owe Somebody some money yeah like how many Billionaire candidates have there been That's why I always find yeah exactly it Was Bloomberg which I loved him spending A ton of his own money and losing yeah That was fantastic he got mad because we Had we had a guy dressed as Bloomberg Come in where he was like he was doing Like he was dancing yeah yeah we said it And then someone came and said did Somebody say Bloomberg he started doing The worm and like put down a cardboard Box and that guy is so humorless his People got mad like we really didn't Like the depiction of him yeah you can Go screw yourself As a comedian you must have loved Trump's whole thing like now Mike wants To bring a platform on stage yeah Oh now he's asking for it's like and he Never had money listen I'm hearing you And you nailed it I missed a funny like Oh I know it was a lot of fun because Now it's just I would get on Twitter and

Be like what did he say today yeah yeah Because now it's just okay Biden fell Down the stairs and he's he has no idea Where he is or what he's saying he's Shaking hands there that's funny but Trump was just volatile and he would Just say what dude the best is when he Would go off teleprompter because you Know when he's reading yeah and he's Reading but then when he's just like When he's talking [ __ ] he's going right At you yeah yeah and I just love it I Did a series actually which I think is Why Trump has never been on the show I Think it was offended it was a trump Talk Series in 2015. Yeah but it was like and it was just a Series of like Trump on China Trump on You know the Border uh and what Invariably he would come back to say and Now other people have kind of noticed it Like the theme was he would say look Chad is a crepo that and I would never Say that that's what so many people they Tell me I would never say that they say Oh it's a whole of crap and I said you Stop saying that they say that's what it Is I say okay And we would do this like back then that Was and now everyone kind of talks about It but it is true like when he wants That comfortable deniability people say That Is doing a meatball run right now yeah

Right I'll never say meatball run people Are saying meatball run right and I Would never do that I would never do it Other people But it's just just like what Chris Rock Chris Rock just did with the Wilson he's Like he's like everybody called him a [ __ ] this person called him a [ __ ] He's a [ __ ] I never called him he said Like a ten thousand times it was Hilarious but this is back obviously pre Like when we had that was me and my dad You yeah me and my you and your Den yeah We have a better Trump thing now so I Mean that's cool I mean you just let me Play the audio oh gosh because 2015 20. That's a while ago yeah the trouble I Would never try and do anything way Better well my voice was shot not Because I just did Bernie Come back across the border they're Raping they're killing and frankly Frankly strictly we have an obesity Epidemic we've got a problem oh yeah It's kind of Joan riversy back then yeah Shut up shut up What's up with you Capital pieces of [ __ ] and uh it was just people like why Does it sound like Gilbert Godfrey Because it's funnier it's hilarious I Just enjoy it more yeah it makes me Laughs Oh that was a parody of the scene from Misery

In this program on Thursday how does Your feet Why would that show up that's like one That was buried in the show random but We have some that have millions of plays Where we you know because our audience No one was paying attention to Bernie Sanders this is a good example when we Talk about sort of the establishment People in conservative media they're all Talking about Hillary Clinton Hillary Clinton Hillary Clinton I remember Saying look Hillary Clinton's a Coronation Bernie Sanders is the Movement candidate yeah and we would Actually see a lot of people we have the You know we have so much data right when You have billions and billions of plays Across not only just just on YouTube but Then billions on all these other Platforms you can sort of cross Reference and go okay we can actually See a significant amount of Bernie Sanders people would come over to Donald Trump just because of the Anti-establishment yeah short of Russell Brand a little bit right where he was a Self-avowed socialist and I don't know What he would just how he would describe Himself now but he sees the threat of Big Tech like he certainly would be one Of those guys who would have been a Bernie supporter oh yeah who now sees The problem so if you like this clip and

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