How Patrick Bet-David Keeps His Motivation Up: Revealed Secrets


Motivation is crucial for achieving success in any field of life. It is what keeps us going when the going gets tough. However, it is easier said than done to keep one’s motivation level up all the time. Sometimes, negative thoughts and criticisms bring us down, and it becomes challenging to find the strength to keep going. In this article, we will be discussing Patrick Bet-David’s approach to staying motivated, how he handles criticisms, and what he suggests for self-motivation.

Who is Patrick Bet-David?

Before delving into the details of Bet-David’s approach to motivation, let’s take a quick look at who he is. Patrick Bet-David is an American entrepreneur, author, and public speaker. He is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment, a media company that provides content on entrepreneurship and personal development. He is also the author of the book “Drop Out And Get Schooled.” Bet-David is known for his motivational speeches and his ability to inspire and motivate people all over the world.

The Power of Negativity

In one of his speeches, Patrick Bet-David encourages turning negative things about oneself into motivation. He believes that criticisms and negative comments from others can be used to fuel your ambitions and success. According to Bet-David, when someone says something negative about you, you have two options: believe them or use it as motivation to prove them wrong.

However, this approach doesn’t mean that you should ignore the negative things others say about you. In fact, Bet-David lists different negative things that could be said about a person, including rumors. The difference in how one uses the negativity is the key. By doing so, Bet-David suggests that people use criticism as fuel to motivate themselves. This approach helps to develop a sense of resilience, empowering individuals to strive harder and achieve their goals.


Bet-David emphasizes the importance of self-motivation. He believes that external motivation, such as an inspirational speech or a personal cheerleader, doesn’t last long. On the other hand, self-motivation comes from within and is a constant source of inspiration. To harness the power of self-motivation, Bet-David suggests setting a goal and visualizing the end result. He further suggests taking small steps towards the goal to build momentum, and eventually, the motivation to achieve the end goal.

Additionally, Bet-David suggests that with enough drive, people will want to work with and be around the motivated person. A person’s motivation level has a significant impact on the people and environment around them, and others are always attracted to motivated and driven individuals.

Valuetainment and Motivation

In his YouTube channel, Bet-David regularly posts content related to entrepreneurship, personal development, and motivation. The video we are discussing here is tagged with hashtags including #shorts and #valuetainment, showcasing the content’s connection with his channel’s message. His channel’s motto, “We make entrepreneurs out of critical thinkers,” underlies the importance of self-motivation, drive, and resilience for success.

How to Keep Your Motivation Up?

To summarize the suggestions Bet-David provides to keep one’s motivation up:

  1. Use negativity as motivation: Instead of being bogged down by negative comments, use them as motivation to prove them wrong.

  2. Focus on self-motivation: External motivation is temporary and unreliable. Self-motivation is constant and comes from within.

  3. Set small goals: Taking small steps towards the end goal helps to build momentum, motivating the individual to achieve their goal.

  4. Be resilient: Failure is part and parcel of success. Keep pushing forward despite roadblocks, and learn from them.

  5. Be open to learning: Continuous learning helps to expand one’s field of knowledge, provides fresh perspectives, and keeps one motivated.


Staying motivated is a constant struggle, and it is the foundation of success. This article discussed how Patrick Bet-David handles negativity and self-motivation for success. His approach highlights the importance of resilience, drive, and learning in achieving one’s goals. By following his approach, one can harness the power of self-motivation and, through it, achieve phenomenal success.


  1. Who is Patrick Bet-David?
    Patrick Bet-David is an American entrepreneur, author, and public speaker. He is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment, a media company that provides content on entrepreneurship and personal development.

  2. Why is motivation important?
    Motivation is the driving force behind success. It helps an individual stay focused, determined, and resilient despite roadblocks and setbacks.

  3. How can one use negative comments to fuel motivation?
    Instead of being discouraged by negative comments, one can use them as motivation to prove them wrong. Negativity can become a source of motivation, empowering the individual to strive harder and achieve their goals.

  4. Why is self-motivation important?
    External motivation, such as an inspirational speech or a personal cheerleader, isn’t permanent and reliable. On the other hand, self-motivation comes from within and is a consistent source of inspiration.

  5. What are some tips to keep one’s motivation up?
    Setting small goals, being resilient, staying open to learning, and using negativity as motivation are some tips to keep one’s motivation up. These approaches help to build momentum and self-motivation, driving the individual towards their goals.

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