I Want To Manage Expectations with YOU – Future Of Valuetainment & PBD Podcast

How long have you followed our content? In this episode, Patrick Bet-David talks about the future of Valuetainment and what you can expect.

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So I want to manage expectations with You on the future value tame impd Podcast so we have a very mutual Understanding of what's going to happen Here and you can't say you never told me Okay so I want to manage expectation With our relationship moving forward and I'm talking you and I me being the Content creator you know valuetainment PVD podcast whatever we're doing here And you being a fan of it or you being a Follower of it or somebody that consumes Some of the content maybe you like some Maybe you don't like some here's what I Want to manage with you moving forward I'll get messages where people will say I miss your old content from seven years Ago where was only business I miss the Fact that I used to say this and some People will say I like the way you Interviewed him but not her I like the Fact that you bring these guests not Those guests look for those of you that Love my content and fully agree with me Be patient I'm going to interview Somebody you're not going to like and I'm gonna say some stuff that you're not Going to agree with and I'm fully okay With that for those of you who watch This who can't stand in my content and Can't stand what I stand for be patient I'm going to interview somebody you're Going to like and I want to say Something you're going to agree and you

As much as you don't want it you're Going to like me and you can say I kind Of like this guy it's gonna happen you Just have to be patient my goal and Outcome of what I do with this content And I hope it inspires you to be Thinking about this as well my goal and Outcome isn't for you to like me a long Time ago and I created my own definition Of leadership and I created a score Where in life we all want to please Everybody in our life I had a meeting Yesterday with our executive team and I Explained three different points to them For some people and I said you know in Life we want to please the people in our Lives you want to please your wife your Wife wants to please you or you want to Please your mom and dad your parents Want to please you or your kids etc etc I said we all have a score I said if Your score is a hundred and you want to Please everybody You're not a leader if your score is a Zero and you could care less about Pleasing anybody you're an okay My goal isn't to be a hundred nor is my Goal to be zero my goal is to be around 50 to understand what core convictions I Have feel comfortable to share it Knowing you may or may not agree with it But I don't go to sleep worrying about Oh my gosh I got 93 people that didn't Like what I had to say today I don't

Want to sleep over that I chose to be a Leader in life and my definition of Leadership isn't to please everyone in My life makes sense and you're a part of It just the other day I'll give you an Example I was reading an article I wrote Six years ago seven years ago when I Left California says Dear California This is why I'm leaving you and I wrote 10 things I'm going to miss about California 10 reasons why I'm leaving California and if I was the governor of California these are the four things I Would do and I read them like what an Innocent mindset seven years ago today It would be a lot deeper and at that Point the level of depth was maybe two Three layers today would be seven eight Nine layers all right I'm gonna go out That guy's grown it's pretty cool you Were 37 then thinking like that you're 44 now I'm sure at 50 years old I'm Going to watch some of my content today I'm going to say I like what you said But I'm telling you Pat you were missing This this this and I know I'm going to Go through that and I'm so looking Forward to it but I'm okay with that Here's what direction we're going to Next some people say man why do you talk About Iran or politics or Trump or DeSantis or Biden or taxes or minimum Wage you know stay away from politics I Can't help myself these things matter to

Me because as I become a parent and as I Age and I see different issues in my Life and I pay tens of millions out in Dollars in taxes I look at policies in a Different when I say so if I am Investing into this company called United States of America and I'm putting All this money into it I want to see Some results I want to see some I want To see some accountability you think About it in a different way if I have Kids four of them and I'm contributing To society I want to make so I'm seeing What's happening how they're being Treated and what values principles Movies shows what are you trying to Inject into my kids what do you want Them to think about is it to think big Or is it to dream bigger or is it to Make them feel guilty I care about those Things that I'm going through that and Some of you guys may be aging with me And you may be my age you're saying I Like this content some of you guys may Be in your 20s some of them may be 14 Say man kind of look at Pat as a father Figure or uncle or Mentor I someone Maybe my agent you're completely Disagree but it's totally fine my idea On how I learn is through debates so I'm Gonna bring people from both sides and One minute the capitalist conservatives Will say I can't believe you brought David Pacman or Kyle kulinski or Roland

Martin or Jank from Young Turks how Could you do that do you understand what These people stand for I enjoy the Conversation so how could you bring that Communist or slavo Zizek or Richard wall For you I enjoyed this conversation but You realize what one this guy said do You know one guy on your show it said The two most influential powerful men Greatest men of all time is Mao are you Like serious you think that's good yes I Want to have the conversation to see how A communist Professor from Riverside can Say things like this I enjoyed that next Minute how can you bring a person like Roger Stone and this person and they're Talking this about politics and that guy In this yeah exactly I'm trying to learn Okay I'm trying to exactly what the Other guys are not doing the other guys Just want to talk to people that fully Agree with them I don't want to just do That I want to talk to people that I Agree with to disagree and I want to Talk to people that I disagree with to See if we have an area of agreement and Then I try to bring those two together And we're going to continue doing this So if this upsets you already I want to Manage expectations you're going to be Upset a lot go watch other content not Ours but if you like to see these types Of things and you get to make the Decision and say today I don't like what

Pat said I think his agreement was wrong But I'm curious to know what angle he's Going to take next I agree with what he Had to say today this was kind of cool Let's go on this journey together okay And FYI you only know this much of what We're working on with valuetainment less Than one percent people have no clue Behind closed doors what we're building Right now without attainment we're Talking to many different talents that We'll be bringing here many different Technologies we're talking to right now Tens of millions of dollars that we're Planning on making Investments we are Having major I don't want to give it away companies That have access to billions of dollars That I've done business within the past And we've made money together who are Waiting to give 100 200 300 million Dollars to grow with us because they Want to own a piece of this thing Division is Big the vision is something That's a 40-year vision on what we want To do gradually you'll learn more and More about what we're doing but I just Want to kind of set the tone here where You know what we're going to next if you Like it great if you don't create and if You support it fantastic stay tuned There's going to be many different Opportunities in areas to support us and We have not yet asked for you know money

And things like that but if we launch Some of the next products we are going To be having subscriptions and monthly Memberships and all that stuff of course We have our sales courses and some of The other things that we have but I'm Talking Next Level media products that We'll be developing so stay tuned for That but just so you know you hear it From me I am so Confident and comfortable with the Approach we're taking and I get people That I pull me aside at events on this Ah you know I agree I just I can't Believe this I'm cool with that we're Gonna get better we have a very big Vision we think we're super necessary Today we think the Market's filled with A lot of other people that are necessary But we think we're going to do our part The next 5 10 15 20 years I wish you can Come here just kind of see some of the Movies because I see the movie in my Every time I go to sleep at night I Think about the movie and what things We're going to be doing with God's help And hopefully you will join us on this Crazy wild journey and you'll support us Along the way we are going to make some Mistakes telling you right now and we're Going to do some major major things but You don't do one without the other we're Not perfect we don't solve for Perfection we solve for Progress we

Solve for growth we saw for the vision That we have in place and uh God willing Collectively together because we need The Right audience that likes our Philosophy together we can make a Major Impact in the world so we can look back And say hey this was kind of exciting on What we did together you supported us we Supported you together we want to have These bigger conversations and we were Able to bully the bullies that are out There because to face those bullies is Going to take a lot of courage and Collectively we cannot alone we Definitely need your support and help to Do that the right ones that are Comfortable with our philosophy Collectively I think we can win this War Battle whatever you want to call it the Next 5 10 15 20 years I will be facing So that's the vision of what's going to Be happening with value team in the next Five 10 20 years and I thought it was Very important for you to hear it from Me Foreign [Music]

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