“Israeli Media Company” – Andrew Schulz SHREDS Ben Shapiro For Firing Candace Owens

Patrick Bet-David, Adam Sosnick, Tom Ellsworth, and Vincent Oshana react to Andrew Schulz questioning Ben Shapiro’s firing of Candace Owens and says The Daily Wire isn’t an American media company, it’s an “Israeli Media Company.”


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Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

Andrew Schultz recently said something Rob if you can pull up this clip from Andrew Schultz I don't know what all of A sudden happened and prompted Andrew Schultz to say this but go ahead and Play this clip of Andrew Schultz Reacting to what happened between Ben Shapiro and Candace Owens go ahead he Makes the argument for censorship he Calls it something else yeah I forget The term I have it in my phone but I Don't even think he's using the term Right but he's basically like there's a Window of ideas we accept yes and we Accept ideas between this uh this I Guess this is I window you're looking Like this so we accept ideas between Here and here and anything outside of That window well you're fireable that's Censorship but he's acting as if this is Like a Justified reason for firing People when you built your identity and Platform off of no censorship and Freedom of speech and facts don't care About your feelings and all this It's also funny that that window happens To end where his beliefs End not being pro Israel that's where The window ends that's also your Specific personal belief what so I just Don't see you can't have an opinion on Your platform that is not pro a country That is not ours yeah wait a minute Crazy I wish so is the daily wire an

American Media platform or is it an Israeli media platform I'm just asking This guy's cooking I'm just get get get I'm just no if if the rule is I'm just Saying if the rule is you cannot be Critical because he has no problem being Very critical of America yep critical of The left and America left as half the Country you have no problem eviscerating Half the country the current power in Party in power but you can't Criticize Israel as a country that's Just another country unless you're Saying and you're clearly admitting that The daily wire is an arm of the Israeli I guess Media or propaganda machine for Is that are you manipulating the the Religious right in America are you Manipulating the right-wing Conservatives in America and selling Them country western movies and putting On your little cowboy hat and fake Moving in Nashville so that you could Take all their money and then in the Process restricting Free Speech one of The core tenants of the American Identity Ben Ben Ben Benjamin benjam What is happening there's trouble in Parad context Dy wire is in Nashville But he's in Florida but yeah what do you Think about his points I mean it makes a Valid point but and and I sent Rob Another video of of Ben kind of Contradicting himself but he's one 100%

Right like what and by the way that's That's what attracted me to Ben Shapiro In the first place that that dialogue That everybody say what you want do what You want facts don't care about your Feelings this is a place where you can Say anything except that one topic and We obviously know Ben is 1,000% Israel we get it it's no secret They could do no wrong and I can we play This Patrick I sent Rob this clip of Ben Basically contradicting himself we have Literally tens of millions of people in The United States who are afraid that The cancel culture is coming for them And cancel culture does exist okay so What this results in very very often is Corporations looking to cram down a Particular viewpoint on you and then Cancel you when it comes to the host on The Daily wire obviously everyone was Able to say what they want but the Reality is that there is an Overton Window at the daily wire there are polls Out there that show that a vast majority Of Americans in every single political Group including liberals feel like they Cannot say what they want to say in Public because are afraid that they are Going to be canel fired out poite Society this actually happened to a Socialist named Nathan Robinson he Got cancelled from the guardian he he Got canel from the guardian because he

Put up some anti-israel tweet okay now I Think he's an idiot I think that his Views on Israel are abhorent but I don't Think that he should lose his over at The guardian that's a different story Obviously when it comes to any publisher Any publisher gets to make decisions About what it wishes to uh what it Wishes to purvey and not he certainly Would Not say now so he went against his word On basically everything that he said he Went the complete opposite because we Found out that they fired her they Didn't have one of those contract Disputes they were like you don't see The way that we say you you're you're Being anti- us goodbye and they fired Her so that's just proof that he's a Hypocrite thoughts on this so I've been Very open that I thought that the daily Wire managed the whole thing with Candace in public and Managed IT very Poorly and then Ben shapp her to come Back on leadership and say well I'm um I I'm a Founder but I'm not the CEO and I'm not making decisions I'm like come On dude you just did so I thought the Way it played out in public from a Leadership standpoint was not good but I Kind of see it another way you determine The product you're going to put out you Determine and for better for worse and If you get exposed like CNN did for

Spinning things stifling things and not Really be journalists then guess what Your ratings go down your ads go down Your business goes down now let's take a Look at this what if Pat we had some People at PHP and we're selling life Insurance proven life insurance that's Protecting families that's doing good Stuff sure proven product and what if we Had somebody saying people going with a They get their insurance license they Tell people you should just buy gold Life insurance really isn't it you Should just buy gold just buy gold just Do that we would take them aside and say What are you doing you know what we're Here and we're training people and these Are valid products this is what we got And you wouldn't be there Vinnie if you Had a car dealership yeah and you were Selling EVs and you would say look a Ford F-150 pickup with the diesel engine You big F250 with diesel that's what you Need to be hauling stuff around on your Farm you shouldn't be thinking about you Know EVS or something you would be like Wait a minute I I hired you to sell EVS So there is a part of it that the Position of a company you may not agree With it you know what if you're there And you're selling it that's it but I Thought how it played out with Candace Was just bad I want I want to give you And I know where you're going with that

Where you know the product of the Product right be a product of the Product like for example I remember when I bought uh uh cars from Hae godina okay And Hina so me my Ford Focus uh and I Believe the Expedition when I was going Broke he got me Ford Focus for 228 a Month wow if if Haina you guys can share This with him I think he's at Nissan Right right Honda right now he's been With Honda start of a guy we bought so Many cars from that guy is not even Funny Um I said what do you drive he says I Drive an expedition and I went to the Back and I'm like wow you drive an Expedition absolutely it's the best car To own I do this with my family I do This I'm like okay so he worked at Ford And he drove a Ford as a buyer you Respect that of course you like that I Love that right you know I went to a Country club the other day and they're Selling me the membership and then the Person selling me the membership said And I'd like the fact that this person Was very honest with us I said so how Often do you bring your family here oh I Never bring my family Here I'm like are you being serious oh We never use the facility I'm like wow It's kind of weird it's like saying well You know hey uh uh you know do you and By the way somebody may say well you

Work at Burger King but you would never Eat the same food cuz you're there all The time you eat a chipot you know you Don't eat the okay I can see a part of That as well the argument fine but a Product of the product is the highest Level however In PHP Tom we had you know Christians Muslims 7 Days Catholics we have uh Whites blacks Asian everything people Knew my position very very strong uh and It wasn't something that was Indisputable it wasn't like it was Hidden it wasn't a secret you know what I stood for but at the same time I was Always in the business of converting Meaning if you're in the business of sh Shifting people's mindset from not Wanting to work hard to work hard that Takes a while but it doesn't mean nope You're not you're out right yeah if You're in the business of baptizing and Converting and persuading and shifting And Paradigm Shift you have to be very Very very very patient do you know how Many people eventually became a Christian simply because the way the Person treated them do you know most People that become Christians or any Denomination yesterday the guy at the uh Soccer game that were watching you know The the what do you call the Quarterfinals in Miami Against mon uh phenomenal game the guy

Right next to us they were holding a 16 Balloon and I'm like dude that guy's son Doesn't look like he's 16 years old he Looks 12 or 13 why the hell is he Holding a 16y old balloon finally the Guy comes he's a valer he says I'm your Number one fan I'm this I'm that Adam Yeah he says 17 year nicest guy by the Way Adam 17 years 17 years this Adam was 17 years 17 years he's been sober and The other guy they were celebrating his 16 years of being so sober right aming And I'm having this conversation with Him and he says you know I went from Being a Jew to being a Catholic I I said What you don't hear that often by the Way I've never heard it I said you went From a Jew to a Catholic yes I said tell Me why why'd you go through it he says a Big part of it was because when I was Going through my Sariy people from the Catholic Church Were there for me wow and so it it means You have to know that conversion and Baptism is just patience and being there And understanding A guy leaves you know How many guys left and they trashed me When they left okay you're this and You're that and you're this and you're And then they would call each other five Years later hey man you listen you were Right I'd love to come back I've changed I've done this I've done that and not Everybody this is not saying everybody

Comes back but there was a lot of people That would say that call why because is You have to be patient you have to be Understanding you have to know we're Different and you have to see what's Going to happen when people were saying What they were saying about this guy you Better fire him you better do this you Better do that you better do this listen Man I'm I'm patient I'm understanding I'm going through certain things I'm Going to see what's going to happen as a Leader and at Value tment we do have one Very clear value that we don't Compromise and that's capitalism there Is no and it's very public guess What I'm not compromising that it's Proven you have communism you have Socialism you have capitalism it's we're Not debating this right but there's a Difference between an economical system With believe in an enlightened Empower Entertained debate where it's one of our Big discourse where we like to debate And you can't debate faith and you can't Debate religion and you can't debate That that's the problem uh uh with when When you take that position what what You do do after that kind of a move if I'm a Jew okay and I'm a devout at his Level and I want to go to a company that I will feel 100% safe guess what's Officially the number one media company To go to if you're Jewish and you want

To proudly sell all the values and Principles that you believe in guess What's number one worldwide it's Officially daily wire yep if that's your Value and there's nothing wrong with CBN Is what what does CBN stand for Christian broadcast broasting it's not It's not you know a rbn religious Broadcasting network it's what Christian Broadcasting Network daily wire can be Daily Djw daily Jewish wire or DW daily Israel Wire no problem y if that's your value Stick to that if that's your number one Maybe conservative America all the other Stuff comes next but positioning wise Business-wise you know if you got an Andrew SCH what what religion is Andrew Schulz by the way is he a Catholic Rob What is what is Andrew Schultz fake Jewish no everyone thinks he Jewish he's Not he was reading script the other day Irish Catholic I think he was reading Scripture the other day uh uh uh yeah he Was reading scripture from the Bible the Other day very weird that he was I went To church when was at church for first Time church on Sunday it was beautiful Crying three minutes is this it can you Play this clip real quick yeah this is Him watch this listen to what comedian Andrew Schultz had to say when he Visited a church for the first time went To church this Sunday and it was

Beautiful I'm crying within 3 minutes Balling I'm in this church just listen To the music I'm 3 minutes in and I'm Like oh there's a reason this took over The world Christianity is incredible you See so much selfishness in for these People sit in this room and just give it Up beautiful so anyways so you know for For him he's a pretty reasonable guy and Fair guy to say something like that I Don't know it's going to be interesting To see what those guys do next yeah um Can I respond of course cool well number One love Andrew SCH Uh majority of the time he's got amazing Takes I don't know if he was right on This one uh and I certainly don't think Akash was right I here's what I'll tell You you know it's NFL season right now They're going to have the draft coming Up soon it's free agency season they're Talking about who the top free agents Are they're talking about what's going On out there the number one free agent Out there in the YouTube talking head space is Candace Owens no doubt whether you agree with Her or disagree with her she's out there And she'll be forced to be reckoned with And she is going going nowhere whether It works out with the daily white or not Evidently it didn't obviously um when it Comes to the situation with Ben Shapiro Look I got nothing to do with the daily

Wire I'm not defending the daily wire I Have zero relationship with Ben Shapiro Zero I ain't going to the Daily Jewish Wire here at Value tment he's absolutely Right though there's something called The Overton window and that's what he's Talking about this is the problem with Ben Shapiro he's so freaking smart that The average person is like what is this Guy even talking about the Overton Window has specific speically to do with Policy policy not perspective not Opinion policy and the range of ideas That are allowed to be applied to policy It is policy driven not opinions so it Goes from what's a policy that is Implementable to the masses what's Acceptable what's popul what's sensible And then On The Fringe of that is what Is completely Unthinkable and completely Radical he said straight up this has Nothing to do with her positions and I Don't think he's actually full-on Commented on what exactly happened by The way the daily wire so this the Cancel thing there's a point there but It's nuanced the daily wire is every Right to cancel whoever they want and Fire whoever they want because there's a Difference between a publisher and a Platform versus a private company this Has to do with Section 230 the whole Conversation that's going on with sure Yeah cancel culture like if YouTube

Censors somebody or Twitter censors Somebody or Facebook censors somebody Meta that is censorship if the daily Wire or the blaze or value tment for That matter or Tucker Carlson Network Whatever he's working on chooses to fire Somebody that's not censorship that's a Business decision so I'm not defending What Ben chaparo did with cace or not I'm just letting you know that's the Reality of this Overton window by the Way here's some examples of the Overton Window what was completely radical and Now now became policy um Slavery that was part of the Overton Window that was part of policy driven You can own slaves hello that would be Completely Unthinkable and radical at This point women's right to vote women Suffer what what it C say what is what Did Candace say that was overly Unacceptable policy-wise so I I'm not Privy to what she said but I will tell You this but but that argument only Carries weight if you can validate what Candace said that was so out of line That caused you to say we don't you know It's not about the decision or what did She say that was so overly offensive or Something in the lines cuz you're Comparing you know slavery is okay is What you're saying no no I'm saying that The within the Overton window at one Point it was okay just like women not

Being able to vote was okay now it is Not what I'm saying is what did she say That that was at that level of weight And impact to say boom we're out of here I don't all I all we don't know but all I can do is tell you what we've seen Online here's what I can tell you by the Way zero other Jewish people work for Daily wire who Jordan Peterson he's Their number one guy not Jewish Matt Walsh hardcore Christian the other guy Michael noes Andrew claven I think he's A born again Jews for Jesus Type Ben Shir is the only guy that's Jewish so let's let's just say that but There was a whole conversation like Matt Walsh as an example firm isolationist Don't fund Ukraine don't fund Israel Don't fund Taiwan firm isolationist That's the position of the Maga Perspective these days and Ben Jairo Said yeah that totally cool with that Whatever happened with the Christ as King drinking Christian blood that's a Conversation that Candace and Ben I Think but the tri but what he's saying Is because I follow this closely she Because guess what she has her opinions Opinions about Israel and how they were Acting post October 7th and we're going To get into some of those stories she Didn't say anything that was like I Don't like Jews or I hate Jews or Anything like that that when she says

Christ is King or When She interviewed That uh Rabbi Barkley and she said you Know that what's her name is a hag they Were looking for stuff to call her Anti-semitic Christ is King that's Anti-semitic that's that's horseshit That's looking for reasons sa fire and Then my point is Adam I think you're Missing the point Ben Shapiro had been Saying hey I I don't make decisions I'm Just there that's horseshit him and Who's who's who's the CEO Jer boring Boring if you don't think they had a Conversation after the rabbi schi where She was just talking to him about Spitting facts she's like so what about The deaths what about the innocent People and Rabbi Shi who I think is Completely unhinged on all levels that It happened right after that they were Like you know what no more of her saying Anything about Israel we got to let we Got to get rid of her it happened D it Had immediately after that I don't see Any problem with a Christian saying Christ is King like that's Lord savior It's not it's not what do you mean the Whole Jewish anti-semitic whatever a I'm Telling you uh you can say Christ as King or as a as a Muslim you can say you Know Allah abbar zero problem but that Guy in the daily W wa you said there's No other Jews yes there is it's that Other guy who's Andrew claven yeah andw

He's not Jewish wait what do you mean Who's he's like a Jew for Jesus kind of Wait wait wait time out time out that Guy's not Jewish who I actually don't Know situation can you wait can you go To him I think he is Jewish and he said That Christ he's born again or something Whatever it is is he is it in there he's Not benir that's all no he's not he's Not Beno but what I'm saying is it's as If they were looking for reason Adam if I called like look at this freaking girl She's a hag and you on the on the cuff Can be like you know what in 1700s that Was anti-semetic you're looking for let Me just say this and let's move on to The next story I think there's stuff That happen behind closed doors I think There's also Performance uh I think there is you know When one person gets more attention than Another I think it can be frustration I Think it can be I'm feel like I'm in a Box and I have to do what you guys are Wanting to do you're just like Fox and Who knows maybe that's what it is and Maybe it's like behind closed doors She's challenging them constantly who Knows what those types of things you Know uh is is very likely for it to Happen I think it was but if you're Making that argument you made that he's Making you have to show proof with Statements yeah I don't know if you

Understand what I'm saying to you so for Example if somebody asked me for example For example for me hey it's either Mario Or him I'm choosing Mario you understand What story I just said right there guess What it's very simple it's not even a Question about it so and and that Position ends right there bro you're not More important in Mario yep I'm not even Having a debate okay got it hey this is What we're doing Pap got it hey this is What we're doing Pap but if I say Imagine if I say something like this Imagine if I say well you know there Comes a time where to be a ho if your Body fat percentage is above 35% what The what are you talking about you if You say it's that give me proof MH and If there's proof then we say totally Makes sense okay if there's proof that's All I'm saying and so you you you have To be very very technical when you're Saying this because you're also in Indirectly could potentially hurt that Person's career wherever they go to next This is a very fickle space there's a Lot of talent that at one point they Were every everywhere you saw them Everywhere boom like this done because Something surrounded their reputation That is not cool this is how these People make a living and this is a very Difficult job to be a part of constant Pressure daily pressure you're trying to

Have kids you're trying to have a family It is not easy and by the way even with Ben when Ben is walking across the Street and I remember one time Nick was Coming up to him and you know saying Stuff to him he's with his wife and his Kids have you ever seen this when he's Crossing the light which Nick your guy That was under your podcast oh I'm also Not a fan of that I'm not a fan of that So this these are not things I'm a fan Of because I think I think Ben over the Years yeah like I'm not a fan of this Kind of stuff this guys with his kids This is bker Ron who's this guy uh uh Keep playing the clip R is it is this The one that he's crossing the light With is yeah you see you don't let me Tell you bro oh oh dude that that's you Can pause it right there I am not a fan Of that dude you come like that with Kids around me I am not a fan of that You you I will give you respect walkside With me can I talk to you for a no Problem I'm not a fan of this kind of Stuff and I think Ben is very necessary I just think you can't make an Accusation like that if that's the Position he's taken without breaking Down exactly what it is I I we'll find Out what happened there I'm sure but I I'll give one more anecdote Here culture is huge in a company we Know that what does what you always say

Is that culture eats uh strategy Strategy for Breakfast so look when you look at the Daily why respect to those guys I would Classify them as like deep intellectuals Ben shapir they're they're very like you Know kind of like the Tom thing you know Like they're very Harvard uh graduate uh Business school driven very policy Driven Smart Guys and great that works For some people Candace Owens we've Spent a good amount of time with her She's just chill and cool as hell so I've seen them do their sort of Round Table stuff they're they're hanging out They're smoking cigars they're talking Trash they're kind of doing their thing I think cultural fit I just don't think That she fit there in that crew I think There's a lot of other companies out There she fits better but say that yeah Say say that so the cause for it not Working out is that instead of something Else you know what I'm saying it's it's Like it's like back in high school she's A ho she's work and bro you're like we Had a girl and she had a boyfriend one Guy she was with okay and she left them Okay the guy went around telling every Do you know for like 5 Years everybody She everybody thought she was one and You know what happened 5 years later Every she's been with two three guys no One ever came out that anything ever

Happened even when you're drunk acting Stupid and we're all the space but the Guy eventually said no man she was never One I was just a idiot kid that say Something like this cuz I didn't know How to handle it running a business has A lot of pressure guys on how to handle It so I think daily wire is learning on How to run their company it's not easy We're all learning trust me operating is Very very very difficult the world can Say whatever the hell they want to say When you're in the kitchen making Decisions on how to do everything and Food tastes like you get the you Know heat when the food tastes like crap But if you're in the kitchen and you put Some food that tastes amazing what do People say what a great chef not every Day is going to be perfect and you don't Make all the good decisions and that's Totally fine and and I wish both of them Uh the best in business they're both Necessary we'll see what happened there So if you like this and you want to Watch another one click right here and If you want to watch the entire podcast Click right Here

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