“You Don’t Do That!” – Reaction To Prince Harry EXPOSING His Family

In this short clip, Patrick Bet-David, Adam Sosnick, Tom Ellsworth and Vincent Oshana react to Price Harry exposing his family in his new book.

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Harry a record-breaking day sold 1.45 Million copies day one in U.S UK and Canada Uh a bunch of different things that came Out it's not again like I said it's not Like he needs us to promote it anymore The guy's already on track to being the You know most selling by the way there Was a Wall Street Journal video the Other day I watched on how these guys Make money 120 million dollars from Netflix apparently he is a chief Something of a company c-suite executive Of a company he gets 120 Grand year There they bought their 40 million Dollar house and uh what is it uh Somewhere in Santa Barbara what is that One place in Santa Barbara the high-end Community Tom that Oprah Winfrey lives In there's an area oh there's Carpinteria there's Montecito Montecito Yeah but it's now this week though yeah That's true it is bad so anyways you Want to tell a couple of the stories Vinnie on what happened so yeah I read I Read a New York Post that uh Prince Harry he bitterly believed that he was Only bred to offer literal spare parts For his brother in case his Heir Apparent ever needed new organs and he Said and I quote two years older than me Woolly was the heir whereas I was the Spare which is nuts he goes I was a Shadow to support the plan B I was

Bought into the world in case something Happened to Willie and he said Um he understood his role was a Diversion and distraction from his Brother uh kidney blood transfusion uh Bone marrow and he also noted King Charles III could never be on the plane With his Elder son because uh there must Be no chance of his first and second in Line to be thrown to be wiped out yeah Bro can you imagine like real I mean he He didn't just randomly come up with That I can't believe he wrote it but Seeing your brother and going I was only Put here just God forbid something Happens you know that you use me Such an ultimate and by the way the way Succession works is as soon as William Starts having kids they're in front of You yeah so when you talk about spare You become spare and then spare three Spare four spare five because all of William's kids are in front of Harry Well I don't think that's as crazy as it Seems because of this book because That's just how the monarchy works it's Your firstborn son since since Abraham Isaac Jacob Moses Jesus that's just Since the tale as old as time it's the Firstborn son that inherits the throne That's just kind of how it works and Then it didn't help that as kids uh William was this good-looking blonde Blue-eyed and he and then Harry's

Literally the red-headed stepchild so Like it it didn't help his cause but Yeah I I ironically somehow you know now That William has kind of lost his hair He ain't the hot stuff anymore Harry's where it's at but Harry kind of Was able to fly under the radar there's A lot of things that Harry was able to Do Because he wasn't the heir to the throne Okay what was that corrupted just posted A comment 20 Super Chat shout out to you Poor Harry is the most abused woman in The last 50 years That's hilarious what's funny was that My question was is Harry a pimp or is he A sip oh because the whole knock on him Is like How good and this is a little this is a Little rated R right here how good must This girl be Meghan Markle oh God pretty People like yeah I'm out I'm out of the Throne I'm out of the monarchy I'm just Rolling with my girl now They're um Her skills must be all right I don't Know if it's just her I think there's a Lot of things that are in this book from The family that was there uh as well and He found a girl that he loved and he's Being loyal to her I respect that but There's a lot of this goes in here that Predates her of just growing up number Two and everything that went around it

And Kamala and how that relationship Happened him just saying this is how it Happened this is how I felt you said I Didn't believe me I didn't read the book Not even one sentence but you're saying There's stuff that you relate to because He he loves his girl and he's just gonna Give it all no I think I think it's Respect what he he's defending his wife Of respect but let's isolate it the Defense of his wife is here and now he's Talking about a lot of other things over Here like his dad getting divorced his Mom dying all the things there that Predated his wife so there's a Pantheon Of things in the book to talk about his Various chips and and insults and uh you Know the things that he's really Resentful of and then he gets he falls In love he gets married and he's like Okay this is Redline you know what Bill Clinton once said I don't know where I Saw this where are my cigars no he said One time where the hoes at was that not It yeah I'm actually giving a student Yeah So one time she said Um Uh he said uh asking question about his Mom apparently his mom was bipolar or Something like that and he says there's Literally no benefit for me saying Anything about my mom anything bad about

My mom Yeah to me Rob you're Mike to me that's Social intelligence is what that is okay For somebody to say there's literally Nothing beneficial of Me no no good Comes from me criticizing my mother you Can't even find it like wow and so it's A book hypomanic Edge talks about him And another one called first-rate Madness talks about him talks about Jackson talks about Kennedy and I I uh I don't know I have a very hard time With us Recognizing uh somebody Trashing his parents that made him Relevant in the first place and the Family you came out of if you weren't From that family you would have sold Five copies of your book on day one the Only reason you sold one and a half Million copies is because of your Lineage and your family And and to allow a woman To be okay with you trashing that Legacy I have a very hard time with that Character Uh uh of uh of that um of the duo very Very hard but do you think and I agree I Agree 100 but but do you do you think Also the resentment that he has that What they did to him and that he was a Spare even gave him more incentive to be Like you know what the hell guess what Certain things should be motivators that

You never tell anybody Um Certain things in life are great Motivators you never reveal to anybody That's the Lie by the way you could have Been born in Compton you could have been Born in Liberty City You could have been born in anywhere Else you happened to be born and you're Ungrateful like the average human being Whether they like him or not they have To read that and say I don't give a Let make me a spare Can I get spare spare children are you Kidding me like what are you talking About bro like you want me to cry about You being a spare and because of that You saw 1.5 million copies of your book I don't know I I I I don't because what This is what what we're recognizing and Making okay is hey you know why don't You go like you know the whole uh uh Kellyanne Conway family with the Daughter yeah I I don't I don't I'm not A fan yeah this is why I never once Watched keeping up with Kardashians I've Never watched any of that stuff one time I didn't I didn't watch it I'm not a fan Of what this uh whole story of uh I mean Listen you know who's loving it whoever Published the book who published the Book by the way is it Simon and shoe Store penguin I'm curious to know who Published this book whoever published

The book and convinced them and somehow Someway sold them on what to add the Juice to add in there the editor the Writer penguin Justin penguin you won Good for you yeah congratulations Penguin because penguin doesn't give a they're like add more talk More say more great boom good For you I uh um Yeah I'm I'm I'm good by the way don't Be surprised if in 40 years their kid Writes a book about them and tells the Truth about who Megan is the this is not a You don't do that he even said he even Said he had before he got frostbite Tom You were talking about this right here He got he even dangling his dangling out Of frost yeah it's it's too much TMI bro It was a party life and when I look back And I say okay I can see all these Things he says he's offended and Resentful and then and then protecting His wife I objectively look at that but then I Also step back from it and say dude You've lived like The most insane privileged party enabled Life with unlimited allowance courtesy Of the British taxpayers Come on there's a part of me that says Okay I can read and I can objectively Understand how a person might feel these Ways but then you step back from it and

Say dude do you remember when you Partied in Las Vegas you were like naked For three days and all of the American Tabloids had you naked for three days And it was like no consequence and you Were just this party animal and you Could do it because you were number two If you had been number one in line you Couldn't do it and so you know now You're writing a book and you're you're Milking this cow so I and I don't have a Lot of sympathy for that and I'm with You on that point yeah I'll say one Thing about about to wrap up go ahead Yeah well the last thought here everyone Talks about a special I mean we're Talking about male female relations Intersectional Dynamics they're talking About we're talking about a husband and A wife here so a lot of times you hear The the term like oh he's got game he's Got game where all that but there's Another term that they use and the Manuscript called holding frame and Holding frame would be I'm a freaking Prince Meghan Markle yeah my fan family Is the is the monarchy of the UK of Great Britain and Beyond You could go back and being a c-list Actress on suits or whatever the hell Show she was on or you could be a Freaking princess here's the catch Though baby you're coming into my world I'm second the line to the throne you're

Gonna we can do whatever we want in this World but this is part of it but I feel Like there's an element of his like this Is this is a representation of the Patriarchy and we're gonna tear this Down and you know female is the future That whole thing and he's succumbed to That rather than holding frame so if you Like this clip and you want to watch Another one click right here and if you Want to watch the entire podcast click Right here [Music]

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