“You See Yourself As a Victim!” – Heated CRT Debate with Roland Martin

In this short clip, Patrick Bet-David, Roland Martin and Vincent Oshana discuss systemic racism in the US.

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27 out of top 30 cities in American Crime ran by democrats why first I will Tell you first of all it's where African-Americans are living so let's Bring up Chicago in particular what you Have had in Chicago is you've had some Of the most the greatest racial Segregation not in 20 years not in 30 Years but literally in 100 plus years no No here's the deal though okay I will Show you hop Mississippi has the largest Percentage of black people in America Run by Republicans broke as hell explain That explain me the highest the highest Tell me when you have no hold on Stay on topic hold on wait wait wait Wait hold on let's stay on topic is Crime 27 out of 30. not economic Economic is a different story no it's Not but I agree with you that we need to Get the financial situation no no no no And you're making this one in Mississippi no you're making them no Here's the mistake you make 27 out of Three mistake you're making when you say A crime I just had I just obliterated a Black black conservative my show on this Whole issue when you say crime you have To then say okay what is the what is the Uh the the what creates crime no what What creates crime what creates crime When people are not doing well Financially what else Your surrounding an environment who

You're around nobody else pick up habits What else bad policies no no no what Else see you know see you're jumping the Policies Wait a minute no no no no no no no no no If I run if I run if I run a company and I'm the CEO of the company if the Company improves or doesn't improve is Based on my policies I'm the head Running the company the department if it Doesn't improve it's because of me so Let me so let me lay it out to you again Go for it when you talk about what is The underpin what the underpinning of Crime John hope Bryant founder of operation Hope this is what he said he said show Me a community where you've seen a riot With a credit score of 700 or higher the Reality is when you talk about crime in This country you're talking about Economics you're talking about education You're talking about housing you're Talking about health show me areas where You do not have high crime I am going to Show you areas that don't have the same Uh uh aren't as compacted that's first What you have is when you talk about Crime in places you then look at what Are the numbers of people there what are The pockets there what are those Communities and how did those Communities how would they create it Literally not over 20 30 years but

Literally over 50 75 100 years now That's that was Jim Crow how many years Does it take to change what are you Talking about how many years does it Take okay when you have how long does it No no create change when you first of All you're talking about a black in a When you have had when you have had yeah Okay walk through 243 Years of Slavery 92 years of Jim Crow and then you get to 1970 when you are technically fully free You can't act like all of that before They're not they're not impact the issue That you're having now Have to do with not Democratic or Republican policies it has to do with Literally white supremacy and Jim Crow In America we are still to act as if we Are still not dealing with that how did How how did housing discrimination take Place in this country you know who Created it the Realtors They apologize for it why are you what Going away from the question no no Because here's the deal though you don't Want to deal with what create brother Crime crime area you got to realize this Listen I'm dealing with the real truth How how they create it what you're Dealing with is oh they're Democratic Areas what I'm dealing with is how well How do you deal with the historical Reality of neighborhoods that simply Can't be just oh elected one person and

That it's going to change it doesn't Work that way I'm Middle Eastern okay I Was born in Iran ten years my mother's a Communist my dad's an imperialist okay Escape we go to Germany I lived at a Refugee camp for two years okay with People who are Yugoslavian Czech Albanian at the time and they're all Leaving for a reason I come to the States okay I'm a welfare baby I'm a Food stamp baby okay just letting you Know my parents are divorced twice in 20 Years I'm going to Glendale High School I have a lunch ticket it I would sell Because I don't have any money I'm six One 130 pounds I should tell you the Fact that we don't come from a lot of Money one day I'm in the school and my Teacher starts talking about politics up Until that point when I think about Politics all I think about is divorce Because I think about my mom and dad Arguing all the time I don't have a lot Of pain linked to politics at the time And the teachers to obviously the Teacher is going to be a Democrat Because she's presenting how rich people Are disciplined okay great which people Are bad so I love it obviously thirteen To one that's the number that's dude I Had a whole lot of them Republican Teachers in my life why I like stats and The stats are 13 to 1 as Democrats to Republican you know the stats okay I

Come home and I say Mom are we Republicans Or democrats And she said we're Democrats I said tell Me why She says because the Democrats are for The poor Republicans are for the rich so My my mom says you know what I told her I said when I grow up I want to be Republican Not because I want to be a republican I Don't know what the policies are so First of all what she was who's actually For the rich and the poor who who was For the rich and yeah she said she said Republicans for the rich because of the Poor is that you say you love is it was True enough first of all was it true or Not whether that's true statistically More rich people on the Democratic side Today no no no no no no you say who are For not who's rich but but who are they For the power but Roland this is you You're smart I understand but you're a smart guy bro Listen when I watch you you're not a Dummy you're very smart Okay so Sometimes John Maxwell said something Very important very important that that I completely held to myself and every Time I break this I don't like it he Said the moment you learn sales and you Learn persuasion okay the moment you Learn the ability how to persuade you me We learn how to persuade he says be very

Careful to not go one step above that Which is to manipulate just to win all Arguments because you can you can win Any argument if you want to you can play Devil's Advocate and play up the Argument play the Republican side and You'll make one hell of an argument to Be the Democrat because you can do that You have the ability to have the ability As well I don't want to do that what I'm Asking you right now is the following Results today yes 27 out of 30 cities Yes that are ran by democrats are the Highest crime in America that's that What state to live in which what are Those States the states are different Than the community New York Chicago but That's not the thing the state is the Community the city is where what are you Talking about the city you're in is what You can touch every year you come up and You say re-elect me I can help state Listen I am born and raised in Texas Houston Clinton Park Act as if You're saying what you're saying let's Stop voting for Mayors because they Can't do anything first of all I didn't Say that let me let me finish my thought I am born and raised in Houston Texas Grew up in Clinton Park neighborhood to Act as if what happens in Austin does Not have an impact on Houston it's crazy

You're making excuses now no I'm not You're making excuses okay here's the Deal though here's the deal though see It's real easy to say it's excuses when I'm stating facts and the point I'm Stating is that's not a fact that's just An opinion no it's a fact the state of Texas significantly has an impact Economically educationally on what Happens in Houston that's a fact yeah And somebody as somebody with somebody Who as a kid traveled with my mom to Rallies and events with the Metropolitan Organization in the state capital I Understand did you grow up rich who did You grow up no my parents even go to College how are you rich then what do You mean how how are you rich here's how How because here's how yeah because First and foremost The neighborhood that I grew up in had It was one of the first master plan Communities by Hood what you had in my Neighborhood was you had folks first of All I had Mom and Dad one who also Married who also hell yeah they're still Married 56 years Um who who absolutely believed in Education now what I recognize is so for Me in my household yeah with my parents Emphasized never went to college then my Brother went to Texas A M I went to Texas A M my sister went to then Texas A M and so that was our house what I

Recognize is that somebody who is next Door or across the street around the Corner did not have the situation that I Had now I totally get that what I don't Do is be arrogant enough to say well I Did this why can't you because I Understand that not everyone has the Exact same setup the same situation what I'm talking about and this is the again But but why not give that story of Inspiration to say you can get out of it First of all you say why not why I'm Sorry yeah you clear I've never watched My show when what I talk about Consistently are these very issues I Don't see it here and go do Doom and Gloom every single ever first of all Every single Tuesday on my show I Feature actual black owned businesses Every single Wednesday I feature African-Americans who are tech companies I love that every Friday I actually Feature something called education Matters of folks who are in the Education space school choice I got HBCU Connect so I do all of that sugar so First so so what was second one second But you know why I said that let me tell You why I said that because you said Because you said I'm not the one that Says look at me I got out so can you That's what you said no no no no no no No no no here's why I say that because It is air it is arrogant

When as an individual I'm one assuming Everyone else situation is the same That's first two it's also arrogant to Then not actually study and look at how From a macro level see you're describing A micro level there's always you can Always have uh that singular individual Or this person or that person or this Family that's micro what I'm talking About is macro issues and what I'm Saying is when I look at communities That's not micro that's macro even Within the African-American Community When you when you dealt with Jim Crow You couldn't live anywhere else you Literally could not live anywhere else Bottom line is if you were black and had Money and then you were black and broke You were literally living in the same Neighborhood after gym after Jim Crow Ends with integration what then happened Those African-Americans who were middle Class of a middle class began to move Away what then began to happen was you Had areas where poverty increased even More so why move away because if you Care about the community why not stay There and change it well first of all Does anybody else move what do you mean Who the hell else don't move how do you Think suburbs were pretty oh wait a Minute what do you mean how do you think White flight was created but so it so Everybody else but we can't move but if

You act like you care about the Community I answered your question do you know why Because when African-Americans living in Black neighborhoods they also had Economically embraced the Press housing Values and the reality is they were not Able to change it help changes are you Serious yeah I am Are you familiar with Palmdale I'm gonna Need you to be drug tested Seriously yeah do you even know today We've done the stories in Florida when Somebody's black selling their house the Appraisers will come in and literally Give them a value a hundred to three Hundred thousand dollars less because They're black You know that hack that's actually Happened right you'll take one story and Say that oh my God on how many occasions Has that happened that are you serious Do you think a message like okay why Don't you go ahead and Google why don't You go ahead and Google how many times I Believe it's happened but how many times Does that happen the New York Times Literally just did a story talking about These systemic racism that exist within Housing appraisals this is a fundamental Problem I'm trying to see you're living In a different reality what what Progress are you making by saying that So progress so what's your time trying

To end that Okay do you know how in here okay hold On you say you're Middle Eastern right You're trying to look you said you're Middle Eastern I am yes how would you Feel how would you feel yes if you're Selling your home you've got a home that You know right and you put upgrades in It and you know your home is worth 500 000 yes Somebody comes into your home and they See your photos right and they see your Family and then they go back and they go 350 000. you go what the hell One second one second It's actually out of a thousand Appraisers out of a thousand appraisals How many times does that happen out of a Thousand appraisals how many times does That happen you want to put that up Telling him to pull that that's your World though out of a thousand Appraisals how many times does that Happen let's just say it happens it is a Significant issue in America oh my God Wait one second one second and then when The woman takes when the woman a black Person should not have to remove their Photos from the wall and remove black Art and remove black books to have a White appraiser then come in and go oh It's actually 550 so one sec one second Because I'm gonna show you how it Impacts generationally here we go so

When you follow me here because this This is housing America when you then Get that lower appraisal you then right Cannot sell your house for the higher Value which then means you are not then Taking those proceeds and being able to Invest being able to send your kids to School and what I'm trying to explain to You is there is a world out here that For some reason you're like living in Unity world that ain't the real America Other you are I'm trying to get rid of That stuff you have the wrong guy here You have to I'm trying to get rid of it Okay good for you me and I am as well But you have the wrong guy here and Here's what I mean by that so when you Ask the question what do you do if they Praise your house 350 000 less right That's your question okay I don't see Myself as a victim I stop looking at Myself as a victim a long time ago and By the way being Armenian and Assyrian You know what a lot of people in The Armenian Community do you know what a Lot of people in The Armenian Community Do they sell victimhood mentality I'm Raised with that which is the statement Of Mecca I know you don't know what the Word merca means Oh poor rolling oh poor pbd I don't see Myself as a victim and the other part is When you use one story as an example to Divide and get people even angrier

Because out of a thousand appraisals This happened one time I don't think You're unified when you say statement Like that to say hey this is what's Taking place all the time but going back To it so you left because you wanted Better economics this is listen to what You just said again I'm having to listen To it so fundamentally flawed because When you say oh my God you see yourself As a victim you do no no you're selling It as a victory no I'm not what I'm Selling is a reality what I'm selling is When the this is again since you didn't I guess you couldn't pull it up okay oh He okay the body Administration the Federal Housing Finance Agency released 47 million appraisal reports to the Public For the First Time The appraisals Which were compiled between 2013-2021 Present evidence of a persistent Widespread practice in the home Appraisal industry to give higher values To homes when the occupants are white And devalue them if the owners are People of color such that's Such you know why hold up wait Let me tell you about that they actually Took the reports and showed the data and Now you call it of course so You so you asked for the data in the Fact no no no now you give your opinion Of all because you don't like that bro Come on man you run a company yes I do

Okay so when you run a company how much can I find in the Opex When I go into my balance sheet and I Look at my expenses my monthly expenses What I'm paying for yeah rent employees Benefits workers comp I can give a Number and say we lost 280 000 this year And it's like oh my God we lost 280 000 And then I open up the balance sheet and Then boom I'll see you you're moving Your face like you don't know what I'm Talking about first of all when I get Data like this tell me the whole story To jump to conclusion with something Like this what I've seen the entire Story is ludicrous to make a comment Like that but analyzing the millions of Appraisals by using census break it down For the proxy for neighborhoods and Comparing communities with nearly Identical housing stock yeah two Researchers found that the results Showed a clear correlation the higher The proportion of white residents in Each Community the higher the appraised Value of individual homes they compared Similar data see again you want to Reject the facts and what I'm trying to Explain to you is this I am not I am Refusing two wow constantly have people Give data without me having access to The entire thing oh just for the only Benefit to device so what you're saying Is in order for you you need access to

The 47 million home appraisals I'd love This for yourself I would love to see it Okay guess what it's a federal agency Follow I love to see it follow four Here's here's follow what a foia okay so I'd love to see it you know why here Here's the part how often do you see Data being used and we don't know the Whole story both sides How often but first of all we see data Out there but what I'm saying I'm Looking at Data actual data and I'm also looking at A reality and here's what I'm saying to You and again this is what you for some Reason you're not fully accepting when What is the the most consistent way Americans have been able to actually Build wealth it has been through housing That's been historical and when you were Black in America this is not a opinion It's not a perspective it's a fact What we have seen is when you have been Unable to enter the Housing Industry Meaning covenants saying you can't sell Black people then when you actually buy A home and they've been grossly Undervalued that then limits you from Being able to sell your home at a higher Value and now take the profits and then Create a business and then be able to Send your kids to college and what I'm Saying to you is when that has been Persistent when you look at the

Appraisals one when you look at Inability where you're buying a house to All of a sudden now you see a clear way How African-Americans have been impacted Not historically but still in present Day and what I'm saying to you is Whether you are democrat or republican I Want that to change because what I want You've had somebody if you've had 53 Years the Democracy when Republicans Were president Democrats and it charged This way they didn't change wait a Minute Democrats have been Democrats Have had to Black vote for 53 years what Have you done you're not even answering The question what's that on this issue Right one year this issue right here is Democratic Republican independent it is A systemic American problem you still Haven't answered my best question about 27 out of 30 cities you blame the state No no no I answer the question what did You say I said to you yeah you show me High crime areas I am explaining you how There are high crime areas and what I'm Saying none of it has to do with their Policies The what high crime cities in America None of it has to do with Democrats Right and you can't even name the policy What policy give me three Democratic Policies the point is you can name the Policies how much is your world it's Right if I'm if I'm in the business

World and you ask me a question that Ending cash bail uh defunding police Which is in our faces refusing to Prosecute categories of crimes uh Letting thousands of convicted felons Out on prison release uh prison Population so that's so that right there That's the reason for a high that's the Reason for high crime in the last 20 Years no I'm just saying that's that's The article from was that from New York Times you still have an answer no no no No I'm actually answering yeah and Here's the whole deal first of all when You talk about the issue of ending cash Bail that's actually been very recent Two ain't no defund the police the Reality is you have seen a major Increase in funding of police Years ago that's a flat out lie there Were individuals with a straight look on Yourself tell you right now I have Actually talked Direct so who who came Up with deep under police who came out With the activists did active and Activists were Republicans Or democrats They were activists first of all they Hate both parties you won't even talk to Them but I do but the Democrats in Congress were repeating it no no no no No no no no no no no stop stop stop AOC Who else you said the Democrats in Congress how many Democrats in Congress Oppose defund the police a lot but I'm

Saying there were so some Inc Conversations Hell I could quote Louis goldmert and Some crazy stuff that he says and go Well you know what that's Republicans The reality is this here Democrats Democratic Mayors Democratic Governors And yes Democratic president have Greatly increased funding of police in This country ain't even a question So we can you can holler but Democrats Defund the police when it shows they've Actually increased the show the video They've increased them you asked for it You asked for it show the video which Video now Show the video I just emailed you I just Text it to you because Charles Barkley Democrats haven't said They from the police at all because they Would never say that no you said Democrats haven't said that activist Said that your word no no you said who Created the phrase I said it was who Supported that created who came up with The concept of defunding the police Activists did and then which credible Democrats there were some Democrats no Not some no these are some heavy duties When Democrats control Congress how many Votes they had there you go when Democrats control Congress Nancy Pelosi When Democrats control Congress how many Votes they have

223 Democrats vote to defund the police President no no no no no answer the Question yes or no see this I want you You're asking I'm showing you down Because you asked for this no you're Showing me Who spoke on don't know the most Credible ones health issues or policing In schools and all the rest that perhaps We can uh Shuffle some of that money Around suck it up defunding the police Has to happen we need to one of the Policeman Eric Carr said he's saying Take some of the money from policing About 150 million dollars I applaud Eric Arcetti for doing what he's done not Only do we need no no no no no no that's Two three Yes I support the reallocational Resources [Music] No it's not the allocation of resources To them [Music] No you're wrong you're wrong do you do You understand do you understand that in A significant number of cities in this Country right where you have policing Who do everything okay you have in some Cities where the police are handing out Parking tickets where the police are Doing duties that they had nothing with The streets when you say reallocate what That says is okay why should we have

Police handing out parking tickets why Don't we have them doing the major Function of fighting crime why don't we Actually have this unit that handles That that's called reallocation when you Talk about the issue of mental illness No I'm not I'm standing fast first of All it makes me both of you question if Either one of you actually covered City Hall before No no no no no no no no no no no no no No no no no no no no I'm giving you Don't you want facts here's the deal I Actually have been a city hall reporter I have actually been in the city Meetings when you talk about why don't You just say you were wrong Democrats were wrong because I'm not Wrong because you're wrong no but Wait a minute explain to me reallocation Hold up Mr CEO yeah when you're in a Company and when you reallocate funds From one unit to the other are you Cutting funding or are you simply Adjusting why do you have a hard time Just saying they said it why do you have A hard time by the way I can actually Allow three Hours if you allowed it you would have Heard them saying defund the police who I lit women I literally heard Nancy Pillow say Shuffle I heard Kamala Harris Say reallocate you go oh that's defund You actually have a reallocation of

Resources that exist in city government County government state government Federal government every single day but For some reason you don't want to deal With that was it spin when I told you That Democratic Mayors and governors in The president they've greatly increased Police funding while hold up can you Acknowledge that as a fact If I sit with you and you can Acknowledge can you acknowledge the fact And you can acknowledge that your side Of the Party Support it see this right There see you're yelling your side I'm Not yelling my side I'm a requested Independent here's the whole deal though I first of all again first of all in Texas you I don't have to register as Anything you you still you still are not Going to acknowledge the fact that the Defund the police concept was brought up By acting constantly reaffirmed by some Of the most powerful Democrats in America the Speaker of the House saying In America shuffling of funds that is Not defunding if you if you would the Vice president Kamala Harris said Reallocation that is not but ilhan Omar Said not only defund you said dismantle How many people are listening that's one Member of Congress right oh but you want To let you know there's a seven minute Video First of all show me here's the deal

Show me 218 who defended that and Actually voted for it to happen please You can't you know why stop because they See this is this is where credibility is Lost we're talking about credibility is Lost if this is utterly hilarious I am Stating I understand Democratic mayors Democratic Governors Democratic President your voice doesn't validate Your argument increase funding mayor Lori Lightfoot of Chicago to 20 million to the police department to Deal with the mental issues that they Were having oh I'm sorry is that Reallocation maybe one of the worst Questions Money and reallocate it for that oh but Reallocation works when you agree with It what I'm trying to explain to you is When you say deeply that is cut you can You can see fun means do you remember Earlier when I said there's a difference Between persuasion and manipulation you Can spin any argument you're very good At debating you're very good at raising Your voice interrupting all that stuff I've watched you for years I think it's Hilarious but that both of you will say That the Democratic party yeah has Supported defund the police when the Best they supported when the fact that I Had a Democratic party came up with the Idea and you're wrong and they supported It you're actually you've not heard

Republicans say defund the police you've Not heard actually you're actually wrong Incentive Tim Scott's policing bill that He released in 2021 in the bill I will Happily send it to you what did he say He actually said what did he say I want To hear it no I'm gonna read hold up let Me guess he said reallocate no no no no No no no no no no no no that's not what He said Because see what you don't understand is But here's what no no no Justice added the entire on the George Floor just as I played the entire I Literally said this I sent this to Senator Tim Scott and he didn't answer My question when we were running for Office and I answered yes to that Question we are going to reduce funding In the police department and redirects Growing and growing growing What did they do We propose Cuts was a good thing million Dollars That wasn't a sheet that was a guy a Million yeah No more policing depends police cuts are A good thing in these communities if They not donate jobs oh my God Right here no no no you say to me you Said oh show me Republican when Senator Tim Scott introduced his bill Okay on police reform this is one of the Things that he did when it failed last

Year he went on Margaret Brennan's show CBS Face the Nation he said the Democrats wanted to defund the police And that was a bridge too far in Senator Tim Scott's own bill they actually said In order for police to qualify for these Funds laws would have to be passed on The city of the state level Excuse me excuse me excuse me excuse me Oh my God so you buy that into defund The police You don't even listen buddy if there's Anybody who doesn't listen you listen Senator Tim Scott said that they won't Get the funds if laws don't get passed I'm telling you what he did he did a Year later calls that same thing respect Defund the police and I literally and if You want to see it Those are the text messages you're so Funny I sent to Senator Tim Scott and I Said Senator Tim Scott please explain to Me the difference between what you said The Democrats are doing what you did you Just hurt your argument even more Talking about because what you just did Is validated everybody else that's what They just said no yes what Kamala said What Nancy Pelosi said they're all Saying the same thing they've won the Police what is and now they realized it Was a bad idea did not say anything from The police of course he did not either Oh oh wait a minute so you say what

Accomplish said was this your argument You just threw yourself up no I didn't You did no I didn't of course you did no I was specifically calling out Senator Tim Scott by trying to call something Defund the police when they were simply Proposing exactly you know what he you Know what's the problem here's the Problem Roland the problem is when when I sat down when I sit down with somebody With whatever thing they believe in okay It's specifically a lot on the Democratic side uh it's specifically it Is It is being a Democrat before their Country it is how they vote before America it is nope I'm gonna defend this Because there's no way there's these Guys gonna say anything wrong with Defund the police and and that's when You lose credibility all you have to say Is you have no idea That's all you have to say you have no Credibility on this when you can't even Acknowledge what reallocation means you Have no credibility when you can't even Define that when I have actually talked To Mayors and city council members and They have walked through how when London Bridge when the policies Destroy the city first Democrats have Had to vote when the mayor when the Mayor of San Francisco talked about the Mental illness crisis in their

Particular City and they said we need to Be sending mental health folks out on Calls and not always the cops now we You've seen numerous examples where that Happens what has actually happened in The last 30 or 40 years in Democrat and Republican cities and states in the Country we've seen a massive cut with Mental illness what is the greatest Increase of incidence I'm stating fact What you don't like no but you refuse to Acknowledge or accept because you're Stuck on Democracy ahead of 53 years you Acted I'm asking you act as if in those 53 years Republicans have never had Power you actually say Republicans have Never had the house or the senate or the White house so here's the question I Said to you show me how the Republicans There's no way to talk with you bro I Gotta tell you so show me how Republicans changed so here's what I Think give me examples are you gonna let Anybody speak I'm waiting for your Example if you have 92 percent of an Entire community's vote like the Evangelicals for 60 years that's Evangelicals evangelicals are also part Of that black vote if you have a 90 if You have 92 you actually don't Understand Evangelical you have 92 Percent Of the black vote for 59 years 59 years later 27 out of 30 cities

For crime Are ran by democrats Your policies don't work and imagine What people don't have to revisit I'm Gonna do it if I let me finish and I'll Let you talk you either have to consider New policies or the voters have to Consider a new party okay so if you Enjoyed this club you want to see Another one click here to watch another Clip and if you want to take advantage The latest gold signature serious Products that just came out we have a Bunch of new merch that's out this is a Color changing mug when you drink coffee That lion turns into a real lion and Then we have hoodies with vitamin gold On it the gold Signature Series hat Shirts I'm an entrepreneur anyways we Have a lot of items they're selling out If you want to take advantage the gold Signature Series click here place your Order Sports your right taming gear and Tag us with the hashtag valuetainment

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