Discover How Your Decisions Will Be Validated Through Real Results

Have you ever made a decision only to later doubt whether it was the right choice? It’s easy to get caught up in the moment and feel uncertain about the outcomes. However, the truth is that decisions can be validated through real results. In this blog post, we’ll delve deeper into the power of outcome-based decisions and how they can positively impact your life. Join us as we explore the concept of validation through real results.

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Discovering the Power of Validation: Making Better Decisions Based on Real Results

As human beings, we make decisions every day that shape our lives, careers, and relationships. Some of these decisions are deliberate and informed, while others are impulsive or based on incomplete or biased information. How can we increase our chances of making better decisions that lead to positive outcomes? The answer lies in validation, a process of testing and verifying ideas, assumptions, or hypotheses based on real results. In this article, we will explore how validation can help you become a more effective decision-maker and provide examples from a recent video by Patrick Bet-David, the founder and CEO of Valuetainment, a leading business education platform.

Introduction: Why Validation Matters

Have you ever thought that you made a good decision, only to find out later that it was a bad one? Have you ever regretted not taking a certain opportunity, only to discover that it was not as promising as you thought? Have you ever felt unsure about your beliefs or values, especially in times of challenge or change? If so, you’re not alone. Decision-making is a complex and dynamic process that involves multiple factors, such as emotions, motives, biases, and social influences. However, one of the most critical factors is validation, or the process of testing and verifying ideas based on evidence and feedback.

Validation can help you in several ways:

  • It can reduce the risks and uncertainty of your decisions by providing reliable information about the outcomes and consequences of different options.
  • It can help you learn from your mistakes and failures by revealing the gaps and weaknesses in your assumptions and strategies.
  • It can increase your confidence and credibility as a leader, expert, or influencer by showing that your ideas are not just opinions but also results-backed insights.
  • It can improve your relationships and collaborations by fostering open and honest communication, trust, and respect among the stakeholders.

To illustrate the power of validation, let’s turn to a recent video by Patrick Bet-David, called “Why Certain Restaurant Channels are Dead while Others are Packed” (link: In this video, Bet-David uses a simple but effective analogy between empty restaurants and certain political channels that have lost or gained popularity in the United States. He also highlights some key demographic trends and business strategies that explain why some states like Florida are growing while others like New York and California are declining. By doing so, he shows how validation can help to validate the effectiveness of a policy or idea based on results, not just ideologies or slogans.

How Validation Works: Examples and Benefits

Validation is not just a buzzword or a fancy concept; it is a practical and scientific approach to decision-making that can be applied in different domains, from science and technology to business and politics. Validation involves several steps, such as:

  1. Formulating a clear and testable hypothesis or idea. This step involves defining the problem or question you want to solve and articulating your solution or assumption in a precise and measurable way. For example, if you want to improve your sales, your hypothesis could be “If we increase our online marketing budget by 20%, we will attract more customers and generate more revenue.”

  2. Defining the metrics or criteria to evaluate the hypothesis. This step involves selecting the relevant indicators or benchmarks that will help you measure the success or failure of your hypothesis. For example, if you want to evaluate the impact of your online marketing campaign, your metrics could be “Number of website visits, conversion rate, cost per lead, and customer lifetime value.”

  3. Conducting experiments or tests to gather data and feedback. This step involves designing and executing controlled experiments or tests that allow you to collect data and feedback from your target audience or environment. For example, if you want to test the effectiveness of your online marketing campaign, you could run A/B tests, surveys, or user interviews before and after the campaign.

  4. Analyzing the data and feedback and drawing conclusions. This step involves interpreting and synthesizing the data and feedback you collected and using them to validate or invalidate your hypothesis. For example, if your results show that your online marketing campaign increased website visits by 30%, conversion rate by 15%, and customer lifetime value by 10%, you could conclude that your hypothesis was validated and that you should invest more in online marketing.

  5. Iterating and refining your hypothesis and strategy based on feedback. This step involves using the lessons learned from your validation process to improve your future decisions and actions. For example, if your results show that your online marketing campaign had a low engagement rate among millennials, you could refine your hypothesis and strategy to include more social media channels or influencer marketing.

The benefits of validation are numerous, such as:

  • It can save you time, money, and effort by avoiding costly mistakes, setbacks, or waste of resources.
  • It can improve your innovation and creativity by enabling you to test and experiment with new ideas and approaches.
  • It can enhance your problem-solving and critical thinking skills by forcing you to challenge your assumptions and biases.
  • It can foster a culture of continuous improvement and growth by encouraging you and your team to learn from your successes and failures.

Conclusion: How to Validate Your Decisions

In conclusion, validation is a powerful and essential tool for making better decisions based on real results. Whether you are a business leader, an entrepreneur, a policymaker, or a citizen, you can benefit from the principles and practices of validation. To validate your decisions, you need to:

  • Be clear and specific about your goals, problems, and solutions.
  • Use data and feedback to measure and evaluate your progress and outcomes.
  • Be open-minded and willing to learn from your mistakes and failures.
  • Iterate and refine your strategies and processes based on the lessons learned.

Remember, validation is not a one-time event but a continuous process of learning and improving. The more you validate your decisions, the more confident and effective you will become in your endeavors. So, go ahead and validate your ideas today!


  1. How do I know if my ideas are worth validating?
  • You can ask yourself some questions, such as: What problem does this idea solve? Who would benefit from it? What evidence or feedback do I have to support it? What are the risks and costs of testing it? If your answers are convincing and promising, then your ideas are worth validating.
  1. How do I validate ideas that are hard to measure or quantify?
  • You can use qualitative or subjective measures, such as user feedback, expert opinions, or surveys. You can also use proxies or analogies that resemble your ideas in different contexts or industries. Just make sure to define your metrics or criteria for success as clearly as possible.
  1. What if my results show that my hypothesis was wrong or ineffective?
  • Don’t worry; that’s the whole point of validation! You can learn from your mistakes and failures and use them to refine your hypothesis or strategy. Remember that validation is not about making you look good but about making your decisions better.
  1. How can I validate my decisions if I don’t have access to data or feedback?
  • You can use your intuition, past experience, or common sense to make assumptions or hypotheses. However, you should also try to gather as much relevant information or feedback as possible, even if it’s informal or anecdotal. You can also seek advice or mentorship from experts or peers who have more experience or knowledge in your domain.
  1. Is there any risk of over-valuing validation and neglecting other factors such as intuition or creativity?
  • Yes, there is always a risk of over-relying on validation and neglecting other factors that are important for decision-making. Validation is not a substitute for intuition, creativity, or vision, but a complement. You need to balance your rational and intuitive faculties and use them in harmony to make the best decisions.
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