An Invitation to the Future

An Invitation to the Future

Recently, on the Joe Rogan Experience, I announced the establishment of a new international organization, open to the public, devoted to developing an invitational vision of the future, trying to collectively formulate the answer to six key questions. More details…

End the Tyrants of Iran | Masih Alinejad | EP 324

End the Tyrants of Iran | Masih Alinejad | EP 324

Dr Jordan B Peterson and Masih Alinejad discuss the current situation in Iran, the growing unrest as revolution beckons, and the need for support from the world stage. Alinejad recounts her personal experiences growing up in Iran, being exiled, and…

Message to Trudeau From Iran | With Masih Alinejad

Message to Trudeau From Iran | With Masih Alinejad

Dr Jordan B Peterson and Masih Alinejad have a message for Canadian PM Justin Trudeau, the time to stand for Iranian freedom is now. Masih Alinjead is an Iranian-American journalist, author, and women’s rights activist. Alinejad is an outspoken critic…